
ज्योतिष अर्थवत्त्व आर्द्रा दर्शनस्य (jyotiṣa arthavattva ārdrā darśanasya - astronomical significance of Arudra vision)


Interestingly, it is part of the sacred आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt). Technically, this Orion Belt constitutes two major constellations listed below. Both are spiritually very significant constellations. 

मार्गशीर्ष नक्षत्र (mārgaśīrṣa nakṣatraorionis asterism) constituting triple stars (λφ1 and φ2) 

आर्द्रा नक्षत्र (ārdrā nakṣatra -  betelgeuse asterism)  constituting alpha orionis (α ori)

The former is symbolized as the धनु (dhanu - bow) used by latter, symbolized as the मार्गिक (mārgika – hunter)

Interestingly, the name மார்கழிமாதம் / मृगशीर्षमास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - antelope head month), which, according to modern Gregorian calendar typically begins in the middle of December and ends in the middle of January is based on lunar-calendar (astral) naming conventions, is also called as தனுர்மாதம் / धनुर्मास (danurmātam / dhanurmāsa – bow month) based on the solar-calendar.  


Incidentally the ancient Greece and Roman calendars also visualized the Orion constellation as an hunter-warrior. 

Incidentally, according to the Tamil religious calendar, with respect to the हृसिष्ठदिव (hṛsiṣṭha diva – shortest day) viz.  हेमान्तायन (hemantāyana - winter solstice) occurs in மார்கழி மாதம் / मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month) when the चन्द्रग्रह (candragraha – moon planet) is in the मिथुन राशि (mithuna rāśi – gemini sign) which is the native lunar mansion for the आर्द्रा नक्षत्र (ārdrā nakṣatra -  betelgeuse star / alpha orionis - α ori). This event is celebrated in Tamil Nadu as आर्द्रदर्शन महोत्सव (ārdradarśana mahotsava – grand festival of arudra vision)

According to the Hindu religious almanac, the மார்கழி மாதம் / मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month)is considered as the pinnacle of spiritual events. In fact, भगवान् श्री कृष्ण परमात्म (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇa paramātma) Himself declares "மாதங்களில் நான் மார்கழி (mātaṅkaḷil nāṉ mārkaḻi – among months I am maargazhi)", as testified in the following verse: 





बृहत् साम तथा साम्नां गयत्री चन्दसाम् अहम्।
मासानां मार्गशीर्षोऽहमृतुनां कुसुमाकरः॥

bṛhat sāma tathā sāmnāṁ gayatrī candasām aham|
māsānāṁ mārgaśīrṣo'hamṛtunāṁ kusumākaraḥ||

Of the hymns in the Sama Veda I am the Brhat-sama,
and of poetry I am the Gayatri.
Of months I am Margasirsa [November-December]
and of seasons I am flower-bearing spring.

Sanskrit Reference: श्रीमद् भग्वत् गीता (śrīmad bhagvat gītā) (10.35)

Astronomically, speaking, the दक्षिणायन पर्व सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyana parva sūryasya -  southern declination period of the sun) ranges between the months of ஆடி மாதம் / आषाढ मास (āḍi mātam / āṣāḍha māsa), and மார்கழி மாதம் /  मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month).

The beginning of ஆடி மாதம் / आषाढ मास (āḍi mātam / āṣāḍha māsa) corresponds to the celestial event of कर्क सङ्क्रान्ति (karka saṅkrānti - Cancer transition) that is, the annual transition of the सूर्य (sūrya - sun) to the कर्कटक राशि / கடக ராசி (karkaṭaka rāśi / kaṭaka rāsi - Cancer Zodiac) from here on begins दक्षिणायण सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyaṇa sūryasya - southward movement of sun) - theologized as भगवान् श्री सूर्य नरायण (bhagavān śrī sūrya narāyaṇa). In terms of (astronomical) seasonal changes, the period of दक्षिणायण पर्वणः (dakṣiṇāyaṇa parvaṇaḥ - period of southward movement) falls between the two celestial events of the ग्रीष्म अयन (grīṣma ayana - summer solstice) and the हेमन्त अयन (hemanta ayana - winter solstice)Etymologically speaking, the English term ‘solstice’ is derived from the Latin words’ sōl (sol - sun) and sistēre (to stand still).

Please recollect our geography lessons that Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn are significant space-time points in the द्युक्षगोल (dyukṣagola – celestial sphere)The अयनानि (ayanāni - solstices) are again two other points on the अपमण्डल समलेपनी (apamaṇḍala samalepanī – ecliptic plane) that are intersecting the परिधि द्युक्षगोलस्य (paridhi dyukṣagolasya - circumference of the celestial sphere) viz.उदगयन / उतररायन (udagayana –  summer solstice) & हेमान्तायन  (hemantāyana  -  winter solstice)  

The क्रान्तिवृत्त (krāntivṛtta – ecliptic) touches the eastern and western halves on the विषुवद्वृत्त/नाडिवृत्त (viṣuvadvṛtta / nāḍivṛtta - celestial equator) at the उधय लग्न (udhaya lagna - ascendant) and the मध्यलग्न (madhyalagna- meridian cusp) respectively.






Tropic of Cancer

उदगयन / उतररायन (udagayana –  summer solstice)

 उतररायन  पर्व सूर्यस्य (utararāyana  parva sūryasya -  southern declination period of the sun)


Tropic of Capricorn

हेमान्तायन  (hemantāyana  -  winter solstice)  

दक्षिणायन पर्व सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyana parva sūryasya -  southern declination period of the sun)

The क्रान्तिवृत्त (krāntivṛtta – ecliptic) touches the eastern and western halves on the विषुवद्वृत्त/नाडिवृत्त (viṣuvadvṛtta / nāḍivṛtta - celestial equator) at the उधय लग्न (udhaya lagna - ascendant) and the मध्यलग्न (madhyalagna- meridian cusp) respectively.

Please remember that the उदगयन / उतररायन (udagayana / utararāyana – northern declination / Summer Solstice) typically occurs during the month of June when the सूर्य (sūrya - sun) is over the Tropic of Cancer, where the tilt in the access of भुवन (bhuvana - earth) is closest to the सूर्य (sūrya - sun) and the हेमान्तायन / दक्षिणायन (dakṣiṇāyana / hemantāyana  -  southern declination Winter Solstice) typically occurs in the month of December when the tilt at the which would be above the Tropic of Capricorn is farthest from the सूर्य (sūrya - sun).


    Thus, amongst the तारक ऋतुकालः (tāraka ṛtukālaḥ - sidereal seasons), the event of हृसिष्ठदिव (hṛsiṣṭha diva – shortest day) viz. हेमान्तायन (hemantāyana - winter solstice) occurring during the பனிக்காலம் शिसिर काल (panikkālam/ śisira kāla – winter time) in the month of மார்கழி  / मृगशीर्ष (mārkaḻi  / mṛgaśīrṣa - mid Dec to mid Jan).. 

Orion is one of the most important constellations having deep astronomical, astrological and spiritual significance across the globe, including most of the ancient civilizations including but not limited to the ancient cultures of Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Sumerian (Mesopotamian), Roman, Chaldean, Chinese etc. This is probably because it is located on the द्युक्षगोल (dyukṣagola – celestial sphere) and hence visible from almost every part of the Earth.

Etymologically the English term Orion is derived from the Greek term ρίων (ōarī́ōn - orion) which itself is believed to be derived from the semitic language Akkadian (belonging to the ancient Mesopotamian civilization) wherein it is called as the “𒌋𒊒𒀭𒈾 (uru-annaheaven's light)”.  This is because it is a very bright constellation having ten main asterisms which whose collective pattern is widely imagined to represent the hunter-man zodiac. For example, in ancient Chinese civilization the hunter zodiac was called 猎户座 (liè hù zuò – hunter constellation). The following table summarizes the same:



Common Name

Scientific Name

Hindu Names

Bodily Organ



يد الجوزاء  (yad al-Jauzā' – Betelgeuse – (left) arm of orion)

alpha orionis (alpha orinis) α Ori

Hinduismआर्द्रा (ārdrā – damp)

Left arm of the hunter

Type M1-2 Red Super Giant


رجل الجبار (yad al-Jauzā' – rigel – left leg)

beta orionis (beta orinis) β Ori


Left leg (foot)

Type B8 Blue Super Giant


المرزم (al najid' – Bellatrix – right arm of orion)

gamma orionis (gama orinis) γ Ori

मृगशिर (mṛgaśira – antelope head)

Right arm of hunter

Type B2 111 standard star


منطقة  (manṭaqa– belt)

delta orionis (delta orinis) δ  Ori

आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt)


Hip belt - left




النطاق  (an-niṭāq – girdle)

zeta orionis (zeta orinis) ζ  Ori


Hot bluestar giant


النظام  (al-niẓām – string)

Epsilon  orionis (epsilon orinis) ε  Ori


Hot bluestar giant


'سیف الجبّار (saif al jabbar – saiph – right knee of giant)

kappa orionis (kappa orinis) Ori


Right Knee



میسہ (meissa - shining)

lambda orionis (lambda orinis) Ori



Multi star



Messier (m43)



Nebula star


Orion Sheilf / Bow

Pi orinis (π Ori)


Bow / shield

π1 Ori (7 Orionis)

π2 Ori (2 Orionis)

π3 Ori (1 Orionis)

π4 Ori (3 Orionis)

π5 Ori (8 Orioni)

π6 Ori (10 Orionis)

Again, according esoteric astrology, मृगव्याधः (mṛgavyādhaḥ`- deer slayer / sirius / alpha canis majoris / dog star) along with आर्द्रा (ārdrā – betelgeuse) पुनर्वसु (punarvasu – procyon alpha-canis minor) form the sacred Winter Triangle which symbolizes the Holy Trinity.


In fact, the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) is astronomically located on the विषुवद्वृत्त/नाडिवृत्त (viṣuvadvṛtta / nāḍivṛtta - celestial equator) which is an imaginary line horizontally cutting through the ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa - celestial sphere) into two equal halves viz. northern & southern hemispheres, similar to the भुरेख (bhurekha - terrestrial equator)

   Similarly, in Egyptian mythology, the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) is closely related to their God Horus, who is also said to be born around December 25th. His birth again was traced by three Kings who were guided by the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt)

    Again, another myth, आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) is also related to Egyptian God Osiris, the primordial father of rebirth and afterlife. Moreover, according to Giza-Orion correlation theory proposed by many subject matter experts, there is a close mathematical correlation between the 3 famous Egyptian pyramids at Giza and alignment of the three stars in the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt). Moreover, in ancient Greek mythology, Gods like Attis & Dionysus, and in Persian (Zoroastrian) mythology Mithra also have a similar legend associated with आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt).

The अयन (ayana - solsticeare two the points on the ecliptic plane intersecting the circumference of the celestial sphere called उदगयन / उतररायन (udagayana / utararāyana – northern declination / Summer Solstice) in June, when the सूर्य (sūrya - sun) is over the Tropic of Cancer, where the tilt of भुवन (bhuvana - earth)’s access is closest to the सूर्य (sūrya - sun) and दक्षिणायन (dakṣiṇāyana - souther declination / Winter Solsticewhen the tilt is farthest from the Sun, which would be above the Tropic of Capricorn sometime in December. Etymologically speaking, the word solstice is derived from the Latin words ‘sol’ meaning Sun and ‘sister’ that means ‘to stand still’

Interestingly, the Orion belt has deep occult astro-spiritual significance across many religious cultures even cutting across ancient global civilizations viz. Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Zoroastrian etc. For example, Holy Christmas, celebrated as the birth date of Jesus Christ on December 25th every year is related to the three stars in the Orion’s Belt during the दक्षिणायन (dakṣiṇāyana - southern declination / Winter Solstice). It is widely believed that these three stars guided the three Royal Magi astrologers (also called as The Three Kings or Wise Men who brought the three treasures) who came from east searching for Lord Jesus Christ to Bethlehem. Tracing the Orion Belt, they were able to discover Sirius, the Christmas star, esoterically related to Christmas.

The eminent scholar Smt. Rupa Bhaty in her famous research article "Astronomical Association Of Natarāja’s Dance With Apasmara And Agastya" explains the astronomical significance of the ஆருத்ரா தரிசனம் / आर्द्रादर्शन (āruttirā darisanam / ārdrādarśana - betelgeuse visualization).


And in the following video,  Smt. Rupa Bhaty  further explains thus 

And finally talking about Ancient Hindu Vedic mythology, the मार्गशीर्ष (mārgaśīrṣa - Orion) belt is closely related with प्रजापति / ब्रह्म (prajāpati/brahma) while आर्द्रा (ārdrā - Betelgeuse) is associated with Lord रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) We have already seen (earlier post) that according to Hinduism the spiritual significance of the மார்கழி / मार्गशिर (maargazhi / mārgaśira - mid nov to mid dec) month in my earlier post (refer link below)

We shall now specifically look at the significance of आर्द्रा (ārdrā - Betelgeuse) associated with this month viz.   மார்கழி  ஆருத்திரா  நட்சத்திரம் (maargazhi aarudra natchathiram)According to a popular legend narrated in the ऐत्रेय ब्राह्मण (aitreya brāhmaṇa), belonging to the ऋग् वेद संहित (ṛg veda saṁhita), रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva)the terrifying hunter/archer God, with righteous indignation who punishes any violation of moral धर्म (dharma – righteousness) even if it committed by प्रजापति (prajāpati) another God – thereby establishing righteousness impartially. 

प्रजापतिर्वै स्वां दुहितरमभ्यध्यायद्दिवमित्यन्य आहुरुषसमित्यन्ये तामृश्यो भूत्वा रोहितं भूतामभ्यैत्तं देवा अपश्यन्नकृतं वै प्रजापतिः करोतिति ते तमैच्छन्य एनमारिष्यत्येतमन्योन्यस्मिन्नाविन्दंस्तेषां या एव घोरतमास्तन्व आसंस्ता एकधा समभरंस्ताः संभूता एष देवोऽभवत्तदस्यैतद्भूतवन्नाम। भवति वै स योऽस्यैतदेवं नाम वेद। तं देवा अब्रुवन्नयं वै प्रजापतिरकृतमकरिमं विध्येति स तथेत्यब्रवीत्स वै वो वरं वृणा इति वृणीष्वेति स एतमेव वरमवृणीत पशूनामाधिपत्यं तदस्यैतत्पशुमन्नाम। पशुमान्भवति योऽस्यैतदेवं नाम वेद। तमभ्यायत्याविध्यत्स विद्ध ऊर्ध्व उदप्रपतत्तमेतं मृग इत्याचक्षते य उ एव मृगव्याधः स उ एव स या रोहित्सा रोहिणी यो एवेषुस्त्रिकाण्डा सो एवेषुस्त्रिकाण्डा। तद्वा इदं प्रजापते रेतः सिक्तमधावत्तत्सरोऽभवत्ते देवा अब्रुवन्मेदं प्रजापते रेतो दुषदिति यदब्रुवन्मेदं प्रजापते रेतोदुषदिति तन्मादुषमभवत्तन्मादुषस्य मादुषत्वं मादुषं ह वै नामैतद्यन्मानुषं सन्मानुषमित्याचक्षते परोक्षेण परोक्षप्रिया इव हि देवाः॥prajāpatirvai svāṃ duhitaramabhyadhyāyaddivamityanya āhuruṣasamityanye tāmṛśyo bhūtvā rohitaṃ bhūtāmabhyaittaṃ devā apaśyannakṛtaṃ vai prajāpatiḥ karotiti te tamaicchanya enamāriṣyatyetamanyonyasminnāvindaṃsteṣāṃ yā eva ghoratamāstanva āsaṃstā ekadhā samabharaṃstāḥ saṃbhūtā eṣa devo'bhavattadasyaitadbhūtavannāma। bhavati vai sa yo'syaitadevaṃ nāma veda। taṃ devā abruvannayaṃ vai prajāpatirakṛtamakarimaṃ vidhyeti sa tathetyabravītsa vai vo varaṃ vṛṇā iti vṛṇīṣveti sa etameva varamavṛṇīta paśūnāmādhipatyaṃ tadasyaitatpaśumannāma। paśumānbhavati yo'syaitadevaṃ nāma veda। tamabhyāyatyāvidhyatsa viddha ūrdhva udaprapatattametaṃ mṛga ityācakṣate ya u eva mṛgavyādhaḥ sa u eva sa yā rohitsā rohiṇī yo eveṣustrikāṇḍā so eveṣustrikāṇḍā। tadvā idaṃ prajāpate retaḥ siktamadhāvattatsaro'bhavatte devā abruvanmedaṃ prajāpate reto duṣaditi yadabruvanmedaṃ prajāpate retoduṣaditi tanmāduṣamabhavattanmāduṣasya māduṣatvaṃ māduṣaṃ ha vai nāmaitadyanmānuṣaṃ sanmānuṣamityācakṣate parokṣeṇa parokṣapriyā iva hi devāḥ॥Prajapati felt love towards his own daughter , the sky some say, Usas others. Having become a stag he approached her in the form of a deer. The gods saw him , ‘ A deed unknown Prajapati now does.’ They sought one to punish him ; they found him not among one another. These most dreads forms they brought together in one place . Brought together they become this deity here; therefore is his name containing (the word) Bhuta; he prospers who knows thus his name. To him the gods said ‘ Prajapati here had done a deed unknown; pierce him .’ ‘Be it so,’ he replied, ‘ Let me choose a boon from you.’ ‘ Choose’ (they said). He chose this boon , the overlordship of cattle; therefore does his name contain the word ‘cattle’ . Rich in cattle he becomes who knows thus this name of his. Having aimed at him he pierced him; being pierced he flew upwards ; him they call ‘the deer’. The piercer of the deer is he of that name. The female deer is rohini ; the three pointed arrow is the three pointed arrow . The seed of Prajapati outpoured ran ; it became a pond. The gods said ‘Let not this seed of Prajapati be spoiled’ . It became ‘not to be spoilt’, that is why ‘not to be spoilt’ (madusa) has its name;connected with man is called ' not to be spoilt ' ; that being ' not to be spoilt' they call mystically ' connected with man (maimsa) ', for the gods are lovers of mystery as it were.

-translation by Arthur Berridale Keith
Sanskrit Reference: ऐत्रेय ब्राह्मण (aitreya brāhmaṇa) (2.33 - 13.9)

    Professor William Dwight Whitney, in his famous work titled  “Oriental and Linguistic Studies: The East and West explains thus: 

    There is the whole story illustrated in the sky; the innocent and the lovely Rohinî (Aldebaran); the infamous Prajâpati (Orion) in full career after her, but laid sprawling by the three-jointed arrow (the belt of Orion), which shot from the hand of the near avenger (Sirius) is even now to be seen sticking in his body..

    Again, the eminent scholar and subject matter expert Sri David Frawler, explains thus


 There is a specific story in the Aitareya Brahmana (which also occurs in several other Brahmana texts as well) that explains the mythology of Prajapati further. I will quote it at length as it has bearing on the origins of the signs, Nakshatras and planets:

    Prajapati felt love towards his own daughter, the sky some say, the dawn others. Having become a deer, he approached her in the form of a doe. The Gods saw him. ‘Prajapati does a deed that is forbidden.’ They sought someone to punish him but couldn’t find anyone among them. Then they took their most terrible forms and combined them together. These combined together became another God here. Therefore his name is Bhuta (what exists).

    The Gods said to Bhuta. Prajapati has done something forbidden. Pierce him with your arrow. He said, ‘be it so’. ‘Let me choose a boon from you’. ‘Choose’, they said. He chose to be the ruler of the animals (Pashupati, lord of the beasts). He who knows this becomes a possessor of animals. Bhuta attacked and pierced Prajapati with his arrow. Prajapati being pierced flew upwards. Him they call the deer (Mriga) star. He who is the piercer of the deer is the piercer of the deer star (Mriga-vyadha or the star Sirius). That which is the doe is the star Rohini (Aldeberan). That which is the three pointed arrow is the three pointed arrow star (the three stars in the belt of Orion).”

    Prajapati is the Nakshatra Mrigashiras and his daughter is the Nakshatra Rohini. He is shot by the arrow of Rudra (also called Bhuta and Pashupati) who is generally identified with the star Ardra (Betelgeuse), but Mriga-vyadha appears to have been Sirius, bright star in the same vicinity. Pashupati’s arrow is the three stars in the belt of Orion which are the arrow on the head of the deer that is Prajapati. We see here the story of Prajapati and his daughter as explaining the signs Taurus and Gemini. The bull, Vrishabha, is a symbol of fertility and of male lust, while Mithuna, refers to sexual intercourse in Sanskrit.


 A similar legend is associated later in the महा पुराण (mahā purāṇa) where दक्ष प्रजापति / ब्रह्म (dakṣa prajāpati/brahma)’s head is chopped by रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) for the former’s misdeeds. This fact is testified in the following verses from the sacred ऋग् वेद मन् (ṛg veda mantra).

तेषं वयं रुद्रं यज्ञसाधं वङ्कुं। कविमवसे नि ह्नयामहे।
आरे अस्मद् द्वैयं हेळो अस्यतु। सुमतिमिद् बयम्स्या वृणीमहे
teṣaṁ vayaṁ rudraṁ yajñasādhaṁ vaṅkuṁ| kavimavase ni hnayāmahe|
āre asmad dvaiyaṁ heḻo asyatu| sumatimid bayamsyā vṛṇīmahe|
The Luminous Rudra who performs yagna (kills) the crooked.
Him we incessantly we invoke for protection
He throws far away those who show anger (or disregard) for the Gods.
We pray for his grace.
Sanskrit Reference: ऋग्वेद मन् (ṛgveda mantra) (1.114.4)

In fact, according to शिव महा पुराण (śiva mahā purāṇa) it was on this day of திருவாதிரை நட்சத்திரம் /    आरुद्र नक्षत्र (thiruvaathirai natchaththiram / ārudra nakṣatra - Betelgeuse asterism) during the month of மார்கழி / मार्गशिर (maargazhi / mārgaśira - mid nov to mid dec)परब्रह्म (parabrahma – supreme divinity) theologized here as Lord रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) manifested Himself as the cosmic स्वयंभु अग्नि लिङ्ग (svayaṁbhu agni liṅga – natural fire pillar) in order to resolve the ego conflicts between the सगुण ब्रह्म देवत (saguṇa brahma devata) viz. ब्रह्म (brahma) & विष्णू (viṣṇū) and re-establish the transcendence and omnipotence of the Absolute.

Thus, this day மார்கழி ஆருத்திரா நட்சத்திரம்  (maargazhi aarudra natchathiram) is considered the birth star of रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) and hence, as the name ஆருத்ரா தரிசனம் (aarudhraa dharisanam) indicates, this event is closely associated with the former i.e. रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) and is considered a very sacred event, as testified in the following verse from शिव महा पुराण (śiva mahā purāṇa)

यत्पुनः स्तम्भरूपेण स्वाविरासमहं पुरा।
स कालो मार्गशीर्ष तु स्यादाद्रतृशर्म्भकौ॥
आद्रार्यां मार्गशीर्षे तु यः पश्येन्मामुमासखम्।
मद्वेरमपि वा लिङ्गं स गृहादपि मे पित्रयः॥
अलं दर्शनमात्रेण फलं तस्मिन्दिने शुभे।
अभ्यर्चनं चेदधिकं फलं वाचामगोचरम्॥
yatpunaḥ stambharūpeṇa svāvirāsamahaṁ purā|
sa kālo mārgaśīrṣa tu syādādratṛśarmbhakau||
ādrāryāṁ mārgaśīrṣe tu yaḥ paśyenmāmumāsakham|
madveramapi vā liṅgaṁ sa gṛhādapi me pitrayaḥ||
alaṁ darśanamātreṇa phalaṁ tasmindine śubhe|
abhyarcanaṁ cedadhikaṁ phalaṁ vācāmagocaram||
O boys, I had earlier appeared in the form of a pillair,, it was in the month of mārgaśīrṣa, and the constellation was ādrā.
In the month of Mārgaśīrṣa, during ādrā., whosoever has an audience with me (Umapathi) or the one who adores my image or Shiva-linga , he becomes dearer to me than Karthikeya even
On that auspicious day one achieves sufficient of merit even by looking at me, but in case Lord Shiva is appropriately worshipped during that day then the reward for the same is beyond the description from the epeech.
Sanskrit Reference: शिव महा पुराण (śiva mahā purāṇa) (2.9.15-17)

Astrologically रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) is the अधिकार देवत (adhikāra devata – presiding deity) associated with आरुद्र नक्षत्र (ārudra nakṣatra - Betelgeuse asterism). Etymologically, रुद्र (rudra) is associated with “redness’ and interestingly, even according to modern astronomy the Betelgeuse star is considered to be a massive RED-SUPERGIANT star

Moreover, according to NASA’s observations this supergiant star is likely on its way of a spectacular supernova explosion. 

Incidentally, according to Hindu theology, रुद्र (rudra) is the संहार देवत (saṁhāra devata – god of destruction/dissolution).  In fact, श्री सायनाचार्य (śrī sāyanācārya) in his famous भाष्य (bhāṣya - commentary) on ऋग्वेद मन्त्र (ṛg veda mantra) (1.114)

रुत् संसारख्यम् दुःखम् तद् द्रावयति
अपागमयति विनाश्यति इति रुद्रः।
rut saṁsārakhyam duḥkham tad drāvayati
apāgamayati vināśyati iti rudraḥ|
rut' means the suffering called the world. He drives away ('drdvayati'), removes, destroys that:
therefore he is named Rudra;
Sanskrit Reference: ऋग् वेद सायन भाष्य (ṛg veda sāyana bhāṣya) (1.114)

But of course, संहार (saṁhāra – destruction) is only one among the ஐம்பெருந்தொழில்  / पञ्चमहा कृत्य रुद्रशिवस्य (aimperunthozhil / pañcamahā kṛtya rudra śiva – five-fold cosmic act of rudra shiva)  who is none other than the परमेश्वर (parameśvara). Again, to quote श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद् (śvetāśvatara upaniṣad)

य एको जालवानौशत ईशनीभिः सर्वाल्लोकानीशत इशनीभिः।
य एवैक उद्भवे सम्बवे च य एतद् विद्रुरमृतास्ते भवन्ति॥
एको हि रुद्रो न द्वितीयाय तस्थुर्य इमौल्लिकानीशत ईशानीभिः।
प्रत्यङ् ज्नांस्त्ष्टाति सञ्चान्त काले संसृजय विश्वा भुवनानि गोपाः॥
ya eko jālavānauśata īśanībhiḥ sarvāllokānīśata iśanībhiḥ|
ya evaika udbhave sambave ca ya etad vidruramṛtāste bhavanti||
eko hi rudro na dvitīyāya tasthurya imaulliokānīśata īśānībhiḥ|
pratyaṅ jnāṁstṣṭāti sañcānta kale saṁsṛjaya viśvā bhuvanāni gopāḥ||
The non-dual One, who being the possessor of the Net (Maya), rules through His (divine) powers, rules over all the worlds through His powers of rulership, who is verily alone when in association with the divine powers and when manifested, - those who know this become immortal.

-translation by Swami Gambhirananda
Sanskrit Reference: श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद् (śvetāśvatara upaniṣad)

Moreover, at the same time, रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva) is also the परम शिव (parama śiva – most benevolent) God as அன்பே  சிவம் (anbE sivam – Siva is Love) and is the most blissful deity, as reiterated in the श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद् (śvetāśvatara upaniṣad)

य ते रुद्र तनुरधोराऽपापकाशिनी।
तया नस्तनुवा शन्तमया गिरिशन्ताभिचाकाशीहि॥
ya te rudra tanuradhorā'pāpakāśinī|
tayā nastanuvā śantamayā giriśantābhicākāśīhi||
O Rudra, through that holy form which You have which is not terrifying, and which reveals virtue, through that most joyous form of Yours, O Girishanta, please look at us.

-translation by Swami Gambhirananda
Sanskrit Reference: श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद् (śvetāśvatara upaniṣad)

Thus, the seemingly contradictory aspects of रुद्र (rudra - ferocious) & शिव (śiva - bliss) are essentially the two sides (poles) of the same Divinity रुद्र शिव (rudra śiva – ferocious bliss).  Again, from an astrological point of view, even the etymological meaning of the आर्द्रा नक्षत्र (ārdrā nakṣatra) is derived from the root आर्द्र (ārdra – green/moist/soft). However, ironically its अधिकार देवत (adhikāra devata – presiding deity) is Lord श्री रुद्र देव (śrī rudra deva) and as already mentioned, the name means “रुद्र (rudra – ferocious / red)”. 

Interestingly, the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) has deep occult astro-spiritual significance across many religious cultures even cutting across ancient global civilizations viz. Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Zoroastrian etc.

Civilization / Region






नाम दैवतस्य (nāma daivatasya – name of deity)


Jesus Christ

Διόνυσος (Dionysos – Dionysus)



रुद्र (rudra)

முருகன் (murugan)

कृष्ण (kṛṣṇa - Krishna)

Birth date


Dec 25th







हेमान्तायन (hemantāyana - winter solstice)









देवमीढ पुत्र (devamīḍha putra - god-begotten son)









Son of Divine Father






प्रजापति / परमशिव (prajāpati / paramaśiva)

प्रजापति / परमशिव  (paramaśiva)

महाविष्णु (mahāviṣṇu)

कन्या जन्म (kanyā janma – virgin birth)



no scriptural reference



no scriptural reference

no scriptural reference

no scriptural reference

Astrological event

Star in the east

Star in the east


Star in the east






By 3 kings

By 3 astrologers / Magi




Witnessed by three sages





Yes by John the Baptist







Direct Disciples









Type of Miracle



Converting water to wine

Converting water to wine







Was killed







No (but was killed by a hunter)


After 3 days

After 3 days






Ascended into heaven

For example, Holy Christmas, celebrated as the birth date of Jesus Christ on December 25th every year is related to the three stars in the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) during the दक्षिणायन पर्व सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyana parva sūryasya - southern declination period of the sun). It is widely believed that these three stars guided the three μάγοι (magians – magi / astrologers)  called as The Three Kings or Wise Men came to  ת לֶחֶם (bet leḥem – bethlehem – house of food) from the east searching for Lord Jesus Christ. Tracing the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt), they were able to discover मृगव्याधः (mṛgavyādhaḥ`- deer slayer / sirius / alpha canis majoris / dog star), the Star of Bethlehem, esoterically related to Christmas.

Astronomically speaking the μάγοι (magians – magi / astrologers) also referred as the त्रिकाण्ड (trikāṇḍa - tripartite) correspond to the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) constituting alnitak (ζ orionis), alnilam (ε orionis) & mintaka (δ orionis). In the ancient cultures, these were referred as the Three Kings and named variously, including the following

Civilization / Culture

आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt)

μάγοι (magians – magi / astrologers)

Alnitak (ζ Orionis)

Alnilam (ε Orionis)

Mintaka (δ Orionis)


Israel (Judaism)





Egyptian Pyramids





Indian (Hinduism)

श्री व्याघ्रपद महऋषि (śrī vyāghrapada mahaṛṣi)

श्री जैमिनि महऋषि (śrī jaimini mahaṛṣi)

श्री पतञ्जलि महऋषि (śrī patañjali mahaṛṣi)


For example, Holy Christmas, celebrated as the birth date of Jesus Christ on December 25th every year is related to the three stars in the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt) during the दक्षिणायन पर्व सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyana parva sūryasya - southern declination period of the sun). It is widely believed that these three stars guided the 3 μάγοι (magians – magi / astrologers)  called as The Three Kings or Wise Men came to  ת לֶחֶם (bet leḥem – bethlehem – house of food) from the east searching for Lord Jesus Christ. Tracing the आग्रायण मेखल (āgrāyaṇa mekhela – orion belt), they were able to discover मृगव्याधः (mṛgavyādhaḥ`- deer slayer / sirius / alpha canis majoris / dog star), the Star of Bethlehem, esoterically related to Christmas.


Similarly, according to the Hindu spiritual almanac, the sacred event of ஆருத்ரா தரிசனம் / आर्द्रादर्शन (āruttirā darisanam / ārdrādarśana - betelgeuse visualization) occurs in the holy month of மார்கழி மாதம் / मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month) when there is a दक्षिणायण सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyaṇa sūryasya - southward movement of sun). According to the legends, it is believed that the event originally occurred on a हेमान्तायन (hemantāyana - winter solstice) when the परमानन्दताण्डव श्री नटराजस्य  (paramānandatāṇḍava śrī naṭarājasya – supremely frantic bliss dance of the holy dance-king) was witnessed by the त्रिकमुन्यः आग्रायनमेखलयस्य (trikamunyaḥ āgrāyanamekhalayasya – triple sages of orion belt) viz. श्री व्याघ्रपद महऋषि (śrī vyāghrapada mahaṛṣi),  श्री पतञ्जलि महऋषि (śrī patañjali mahaṛṣi) & श्री जैमिनि महऋषि (śrī jaimini mahaṛṣi) . This fact is clearly established by श्री उमापतिशिवाचार्य (śrī umāpatiśivācārya) in the following verse   

आदौ मासे मृघाक्ये सुरगुर्दिवसे पुस्यभे पूर्णिमायं
भित्तौ श्रीचित्सभायांमुनिवरतपसा दुत्तवाक्पूतये यः।
नृतं कृत्वावसाने फणधरवपुषं व्याघरपादं महर्षिं
चाहूयाभ्यां अदाद् यो नियतनिवास्तिं कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिं भजेऽहं॥

आदौ यः कर्मकाण्ड प्रवचनमहिमा जैमिनिर् नाम योगी
व्यासोक्त्या चित्सभेशं प्रभुवरम् उरसा नम्य गत्वा सभान्तः।
पादान्ते वेदयुक्तम् तवरम् अकरोत् स्वसौभाग्यदं यं
पश्यन्न् अद्यापि देवं सदसि वस्तितं कुञ्चिदाञ्घ्रिम् भजेऽहम्॥
ādau māse mṛghākye suragurdivase pusyabhe pūrṇimāyaṃ
bhittau śrīcitsabhāyāṃmunivaratapasā duttavākpūtaye yaḥ।
nṛtaṃ kṛtvāvasāne phaṇadharavapuṣaṃ vyāgharapādaṃ maharṣiṃ
cāhūyābhyāṃ adād yo niyatanivāstiṃ kuñcitāṅghriṃ bhaje'haṃ॥

ādau yaḥ karmakāṇḍa pravacanamahimā jaiminir nāma yogī
vyāsoktyā citsabheśaṃ prabhuvaram urasā namya gatvā sabhāntaḥ।
pādānte vedayuktam tavaram akarot svasaubhāgyadaṃ yaṃ
paśyann adyāpi devaṃ sadasi vastitaṃ kuñcidāñghrim bhaje'ham॥
In the begining, on a full-moon, thursday in the month of the deer,
under the Pushya lunar asterism, to fulfil the promise
won by those excellent sages` asceticism,
He summoned the snake-bodied Patanjali
and the great sage, Tiger-footed Vyaghrapada,
and perform His dance against the wall
in the blessed Hall of Consciousness.
After it was over, He granted them permanant residence.
I worship the God, who is the Lord of the Hall of Consciousness,
whose qualities are praised in the scriptures, whose foot is curved.

The Yogi named Jaimini who first attained flame
through his commentary on the ritual section of the Vedas,
at Vyasa's behest prostrated himself, before the excellent Lord,
the Lord of the Hall, entered into the Hall and composed the excellent hymn of praise
wherein every verse ends with a quote from the Veda.
Even today he dwells in the Hall, beholding the God
who gave him his good fortune,
whose foot is curved, Him I worship,

- translation by David Smith

Sanskrit Reference: कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तव (kuñcitāṅghristava) (10,12)

 Interestingly, the birth date of Christ is also has another astrological significance as it is associated with the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem.

 For example, it is declared thus in the famous dialogue between בִּלְעָם (bīlʿam - balaam) and King בָּלָק  (bīlʿam - bālāq), which occurs in the  סֵפֶר בְּמִדְבַּר (sefer bamidbar – book of numbers)which is the Fourth Book of Mosses as part of penanteuch (five cannons) constituting The Holy Torah (The Old Testament)



Jewish Translation

Catholic Christian Translation (KJV)

אַרְ֙נּו֙ וְלֹ֣א עָּ֔ה אשור֖נו ולֹ֣א קְר֑וב דָרַך קוקִב מֽיַעַחֵב וק֥ח שֵ֙ב֙ מישראֵל ומחץף֙ פַּ֣י וְעֶי וְקְזר כּללבני-שֽ׃׃

Lo veré, mas no ahora; lo miraré, mas no en breve. De Jacob saldrá una estrella, y de Israel se levantará un cetro (el rey David), que aplastará los costados (señores) de Moav y dominará a todos los hijos de Set.

I see it, but not now; I behold it, but not soon. A star has gone forth from Jacob, and a staff will arise from Israel which will crush the princes of Moab and uproot all the sons of Seth.

I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not nigh there shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth

Greek Reference 1: Holy Tānāḵh: (sefer bamidbar – book of numbers) (24:17)

Similarly, St. Mathew, one of the Twelve Apostles of Lord Jesus Christ, in his Gospel, which is one amongst the Four Canonical Gospels in the New Testament of the Holy Bible further testifies thus: 

Τοῦ δὲ Ἰησοῦ γεννηθέντος ἐν Βηθλέεμ τῆς Ἰουδαίας ἐν ἡμέραις Ἡρῴδου τοῦ βασιλέως, ἰδοὺ μάγοι ἀπὸ ἀνατολῶν παρεγένοντο εἰς Ἱεροσόλυμα
λέγοντες “Ποῦ ἐστιν ὁ τεχθεὶς βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων; εἴδομεν γὰρ αὐτοῦ τὸν ἀστέρα ἐν τῇ ἀνατολῇ καὶ ἤλθομεν προσκυνῆσαι αὐτῷ.”
Ἀκούσας δὲ ὁ βασιλεὺς Ἡρῴδης ἐταράχθη, καὶ πᾶσα Ἱεροσόλυμα μετ’ αὐτοῦ,
καὶ συναγαγὼν πάντας τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ γραμματεῖς τοῦ λαοῦ ἐπυνθάνετο παρ’ αὐτῶν ποῦ ὁ Χριστὸς γεννᾶται.
Οἱ δὲ εἶπαν αὐτῷ· “Ἐν Βηθλέεμ τῆς Ἰουδαίας· οὕτως γὰρ γέγραπται διὰ τοῦ προφήτου·
‘Καὶ σύ, Βηθλέεμ γῆ Ἰούδα, οὐδαμῶς ἐλαχίστη εἶ ἐν τοῖς ἡγεμόσιν Ἰούδα· ἐκ σοῦ γὰρ ἐξελεύσεται ἡγούμενος, ὅστις ποιμανεῖ τὸν λαόν μου τὸν Ἰσραήλ.’”
Τότε Ἡρῴδης λάθρᾳ καλέσας τοὺς μάγους ἠκρίβωσεν παρ’ αὐτῶν τὸν χρόνον τοῦ φαινομένου ἀστέρος,
καὶ πέμψας αὐτοὺς εἰς Βηθλέεμ εἶπεν· “Πορευθέντες ἐξετάσατε ἀκριβῶς περὶ τοῦ παιδίου· ἐπὰν δὲ εὕρητε, ἀπαγγείλατέ μοι, ὅπως κἀγὼ ἐλθὼν προσκυνήσω αὐτῷ.”
Οἱ δὲ ἀκούσαντες τοῦ βασιλέως ἐπορεύθησαν· καὶ ἰδοὺ ὁ ἀστὴρ, ὃν εἶδον ἐν τῇ ἀνατολῇ, προῆγεν αὐτούς ἕως ἐλθὼν ἐστάθη ἐπάνω οὗ ἦν τὸ παιδίον.
ἰδόντες δὲ τὸν ἀστέρα ἐχάρησαν χαρὰν μεγάλην σφόδρα.
καὶ ἐλθόντες εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν εἶδον τὸ παιδίον μετὰ Μαρίας τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ, καὶ πεσόντες προσεκύνησαν αὐτῷ, καὶ ἀνοίξαντες τοὺς θησαυροὺς αὐτῶν προσήνεγκαν αὐτῷ δῶρα, χρυσὸν καὶ λίβανον καὶ σμύρναν.
Καὶ χρηματισθέντες κατ’ ὄναρ μὴ ἀνακάμψαι πρὸς Ἡρῴδην, δι’ ἄλλης ὁδοῦ ἀνεχώρησαν εἰς τὴν χώραν αὐτῶν.
tou de iēsou gennēthentos en bēthleem tēs ioudaias en ēmerais ērōdou tou basileōs idou magoi apo anatolōn paregenonto eis ierosoluma legontes pou estin o techtheis basileus tōn ioudaiōn eidomen gar autou ton astera en tē anatolē kai ēlthomen proskunēsai autō akousas de o basileus ērōdēs etarachthē kai pasa ierosoluma met autou kai sunagagōn pantas tous archiereis kai grammateis tou laou epunthaneto par autōn pou o christos gennatai oi de eipan autō en bēthleem tēs ioudaias outōs gar gegraptai dia tou prophētou
kai su bēthleem gē iouda oudamōs elachistē ei en tois ēgemosin iouda ek sou gar exeleusetai ēgoumenos ostis poimanei ton laon mou ton israēl
tote ērōdēs lathra kalesas tous magous ēkribōsen par autōn ton chronon tou phainomenou asteros kai pempsas autous eis bēthleem eipen poreuthentes exetasate akribōs peri tou paidiou epan de eurēte apangeilate moi opōs kagō elthōn proskunēsō autō oi de akousantes tou basileōs eporeuthēsan kai idou o astēr on eidon en tē anatolē proēgen autous eōs elthōn estathē epanō ou ēn to paidion idontes de ton astera echarēsan charan megalēn sphodra kai elthontes eis tēn oikian eidon to paidion meta marias tēs mētros autou kai pesontes prosekunēsan autō kai anoixantes tous thēsaurous autōn prosēnenkan autō dōra chruson kai libanon kai smurnan kai chrēmatisthentes kat onar mē anakampsai pros ērōdēn di allēs odou anechōrēsan eis tēn chōran autōn
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born lking of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: “ ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’ ”
Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared.
And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.”
After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.
And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.
Greek Reference 1: Holy Bible: Mathew(2:1-12)

    Astronomically speaking, the identifying the nature of the Star of Bethlehem has been a much controversially debated topic amidst scholars and scientists. While some scholars speculate that the celestial body could have been   

  • A passing विकेश (vikeśa - comet) or a उल्का (ulkā - metorite), that was visible to the three μάγοι (magians - astrologers) from the Zoroastrian civilization (Mesopotamia Persia). 
  • Alternatively, the celestial event could astrologically refer to the ग्रहयुति (grahyutia – planetary conjunctions) between three planets viz.  चन्द्रग्रह (candragraha – moon planet)शनिग्रह (śanigraha – Saturn planet) गुरुग्रह (gurugraha – Jupiter planet) in the house of मीनराशि (mīnarāśi – pisces sign).
  • Alternatively, lunar occultation of गुरुग्रह (gurugraha – Jupiter planet) in the मेषराशि (meṣarāśi – aries sign)
  • Could possibly be an explosion of a dwarf star, technically called nova or could be even a Super Nova from astral constellations. For example, the eminent mathematician and physicist F.J Tipler speculates that the star of Star of Bethlehem refers to type Ia/Ic supernova in the Andromeda Galaxy which corresponds to उत्तरभाद्रपद नक्षत्र (uttarabhādrapada nakṣatra – asterism γ pegasi and α andromedae) 

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