
अर्थवत्त्व ब्रह्म निर्माणज़िल्पस्य (arthavattva brahma nirmāṇailpasya - Significance of sacred architecture)


Moreover, architectural components in a temple also symbolize various other esoteric truths. Take the case of the famous தில்லை நடராஜர் திருக்கோயில் (thillai nataraajar thirukkOyil) at சிதம்பரம் (chithambaram), it has many such esoteric secrets beautifully embedded within its exterior engineering and design as illustrated below:

There are பஞ்ச படிகள் (pañca paḍigaḻ– five steps) leading from the கனக சபை / பொன்னம்பலம் (kanaga sabai / ponnambalam - golden hall) to the sanctum sanctorum of the temple viz.  சிற்சபை / சிற்றம்பல சபை (siṛsabai / siṛṛambala sabai – small hall / gnostic hall). These five steps together are called பஞ்சாக்ஷர படிகள் (pañcākṣara paḍigaḻ - five syllabled steps) correspond to the पञ्चाक्षर मन्त्र (pañcākṣara mantra – five syllabled mantra) viz. நம சிவாய / नमशिवाय (nama sivaaya / namaśivāya).

There are நவ வாயில்கள் (nava vāyilgaḻ - nine gateways) to the சிற்றம்பல சபை (siṛsabai / siṛṛambala sabai– small hall / gnostic hall) corresponding to the नव द्वाराः स्थूलशरीरेषु जीवात्मस्य (nava dvārāḥ sthūlaśarīreṣu jīvātmasya – nine openings in the gross body of corporeal soul).

The கற்கள் (kaṛkaḻ – stones / bricks) from the base to the top of the the சிற்றம்பல சபை (siṛsabai / siṛṛambala sabai– small hall / gnostic hall) corresponds to the माधुका शक्ति बीजाक्शर मन्त्र (mādhukā śakti bījākśara mantra).

The கனக சபை / பொன்னம்பலம் / பொர்சபை (kanaga sabai / ponnambalam / porsabai – golden hall) is supported by பதினெண் தூண்கள் / अष्टादश स्तंभाः (padineṇ tūngaḻ / aṣṭādaśa staṃbhāḥ - eighteen pillars) corresponding to the अष्टादश महापुराणशास्त्र (aṣṭādaśa mahāpurāṇaśāstra – eighteen major mythologies) compiled by वेद व्यास महऋषि (veda vyāsa mahaṛṣi)

The சிற்சபை / சிற்றம்பல சபை (siṛsabai / siṛṛambala sabai – small hall / gnostic hall) contains பஞ்சபீடங்கள் / पञ्चपीठाः (pañca pīḍaṅgaḻ / pañcapīṭhāḥ - five pedastals) located in front of the middle partition towards the south, corresponding to the पञ्चमहाकृतानि (pañcamahākṛtāni – five sacred acts). Thus, there is a பீடம் (pīḍam – platform) for the respective lord of each of these acts, which in terms of अस्तिकायविद्या शैवागमस्य (astikāyavidyā śaivāgamasya – ontological science of shiva agama) to the पञ्चशिव शुद्ध माया तत्त्वानि (pañcaśiva śuddha māyā tattvāni – five-auspiscius pure mystery evolutes), as indicated in the mapping below 

#देव पीठ (deva pīṭha – divine petastal)महाकृत (mahākṛta – cosmic act)शुद्धमाय तत्त्व (śuddhamāya tattva – pure illusion principle)
1ब्रह्म पीठ (brahma pīṭha)सृष्टि /படைத்தல் (sṛṣṭi / paḍaittal - creation)शुद्धविद्या / சுத்த வித்தை (śuddhavidyā / suddaviddai)
2विष्णु पीठ (viṣṇu pīṭha)स्थिति / காத்தல் (sthiti / kāttal - preservation)ईश्वर / ஈசுவரன் (īśvara / īsuvara) also known as बिन्धु / பிந்து (bindhu / bindu)
3रुद्र पीठ (rudra pīṭha)संहारं / அழித்தல் (saṁhāraṁ / azhittal - destruction)सदाशिव/சதாசிவம் (sadāśiva sadāsivam), also known as सदाक्य / சதாக்கியம் (sadākya / sadākkiyam) and नाद / நாதம் (nāda / nādam)
4महेश्वर पीठ (maheśvara pīṭha)तिरोभावं / மறைத்தல் (tirobhāvaṁ / maṛaittal - encapsulation)शक्ति / சக்தி (śakti / sakti)
5सदाशिव पीठ (sadāśiva pīṭha)अनुग्रहं / அருளல் (anugrahaṁ / aruLal - grace)शिवं / சிவம் (śivaṃ / civam)

The ब्रह्म पीठ (brahma pīṭha) is the layer immediately after the பஞ்சாக்ஷர படிகள்  (pañcākṣara paḍigaḻ - five syllabled steps). This contains a panel with षण्णवति जालकानि (ṣaṇṇavati jālakāni – ninety-six windows) corresponding to the षण्णवति अस्तिकाय तत्त्वानि (ṣaṇṇavati astikāya tattvāni – ninety-six ontological eolutes) making up the manifested cosmos, according to शुद्धाद्वैत शैव सिद्धन्त दर्शन (śuddhādvaita śaiva siddhanta darśana – philosophy of pure nondualstic final auspicious accomplishment)

यद्गोष्ठयां द्वारबाह्ये रजतगिरिनिंभ पञ्चवर्णस्वरूपं
सोपानं द्वारभागं जयविजयमुखरक्षितं द्वारपालैः।
तत्वानां षण्णवत्यासहविधिमुखराः पञ्चदेवाश्व नित्यम्
यस्मान्तर्भान्ति तस्मिन्नविरतन्टनं कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिम् बजेऽहम्॥
yadgoṣṭhayāṃ dvārabāhye rajatagiriniṃbha pañcavarṇasvarūpaṃ
sopānaṃ dvārabhāgaṃ jayavijayamukharakṣitaṃ dvārapālaiḥ।
tatvānāṃ ṣaṇṇavatyāsahavidhimukharāḥ pañcadevāśva nityam
yasmāntarbhānti tasminnaviratanṭanaṃ kuñcitāṅghrim baje'ham॥
In His assembly hall the stairway,
made up of the five letters of His mantra,
looks like the Silver Mountain.
Jaya and Vijaya are the principal guardians
who protect its doorway.
Within shine the five gods,
Brahma and the others,
along with the ninety-six Tattvas.
I worship
Him Whose constant dance is there,
Whose foot curves.

-translation by David Smith
Sanskrit Reference: श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam) (5)

Immediately after which there is a देव पीठ (deva pīṭha – divine petastal) around one feet wide called the विष्णु पीठ (viṣṇu pīṭha) containing पञ्च सुवर्णस्थूनानि (pañca suvarṇasthūnāni - five golden pillars). The five main தளவரிசை கற்கள் (taḻavarisai kaṛkaḻ – linear stones) in the கனக சபை / பொன்னம்பலம் / பொர்சபை (kanaga sabai / ponnambalam / porsabai – golden hall) represents the पञ्च महा भूत तत्त्व (pañca mahā bhūta tattva – five core material principles). There is a பாவாடை / திரை (pāvāḍai / tirai - curtain / screen) running across these pillars and this represents the अविद्या तत्त्व (avidyā tattva – nescience principle) hiding the अन्तर्यामि ब्रह्मन (antaryāmi brahmana - inner divinity) within our heart. The opening of the screen symbolizes the esoteric दहर विद्या (dahara vidyā - esoteric wisdom) or the revelation of the indwelling divinity.

The रुद्र पीठ (rudra pīṭha) is the देव पीठ (deva pīṭha – divine petastal) within the சிற்சபை / சிற்றம்பல சபை (sisabai / siṛṛambala sabai – small hall / gnostic hall) on which the आलय अर्चकाः / दीक्षकाः (ālaya arcakāḥ / dīkṣakāḥ - temple priests) perform the अर्चन (arcana - worship) is designed in such a way that it is supported by अष्टाविंशतिः स्तंभाः (aṣṭāviṃśatiḥ staṃbhāḥ – twenty-eight pillars) symbolizing the अष्टाविंशतिः शैवागमानि (aṣṭāviṃśati śaivāgamāni – twenty-eight Shiva Agamas) belonging to the शुद्धाद्वैत शैव सिद्धन्त दर्शन (śuddhādvaita śaiva siddhanta darśana – philosophy of pure nondualstic final auspicious accomplishment).

यत्संसत्पूर्वभागेदिशिदिशि विलसत्पूर्वभागानितान्तं स्वान्थगूडोत्तरांशाश्शिवमुख
भवनाश्चागमाः कामिकाद्याः।
अष्ठाविंशानु सङ्ग्ख्यधृउतकनकमय
स्थंभरूपाःस्तुवन्ति स्तुत्यं तं
नृत्तमूर्त्तिं श्रुतिशतविनुतं कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिं बजेहम्॥

yatsaṃsatpūrvabhāgediśidiśi vilasatpūrvabhāgānitāntaṃ svānthagūḍottarāṃśāśśivamukha
bhavanāścāgamāḥ kāmikādyāḥ।
aṣṭhāviṃśānu saṅgkhyadhṛutakanakamaya
sthaṃbharūpāḥstuvanti stutyaṃ taṃ
nṛttamūrttiṃ śrutiśatavinutaṃ kuñcitāṅghriṃ bajeham॥

In the lower part of His hall
The Agamas, Kamika and the others,
originating from Siva's mouths,
have assumed the form of golden pillars
to the number of twenty-eight.
On every side their lower parts shine brightly;
their higher parts are hidden within.
They praise Him Who is worthy of praise
in His dancing form praised by hundreds of scriptures.

-translation by David Smith
Sanskrit Reference: श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam) (4)

महेश्वर पीठ (maheśvara pīṭha) is the मध्य पीठ (madhya pīṭha - central platform) on which the main अर्चावतारमूर्ति श्री नटराजपत्युः (arcāvatāramūrti śrī naṭarājapatyuḥ – iconic incarnation of Lord Sri Nataraja) is consecrated and beside whom that of his beloved consort श्री शिवकामि (śrī śivakāmi) is consecrated. This bronze image of  the Lord depicts the शकल रूप (śakala rūpa – phenomenal / manifested form) of His आनन्द ताण्डव (ānanda tāṇḍava – frantc dance of bliss). There are two small steps leading to a small मण्डप (maṇḍapa - chamber) which is located above this महेश्वर पीठ (maheśvara pīṭha) on the western side of which hosts small boxes containing icons of चन्द्रमौलीश्वर स्फटिकलिङ्ग मूर्ति (candramaulīśvara sphaṭikaliṅga mūrti) and இரத்தின சபாபதி நடராஜ மூர்த்தி (irattina sabāpati natarāja mūrtti). This स्फटिकलिङ्ग (sphaṭikaliṅga – crystal Linga) represents the रूपारूप तत्त्व सगुणब्रह्मस्य  (rūpārūpa tattva saguṇabrahmasya  – formless form principle of divinity with qualities). Additionally, शिवपादुका रचित रत्न (śivapādukā racita ratna – Shiva’s footware made of ruby) and also a श्रीमुखलिङ्ग śrīmukhaliṅga) are consecrated on this महेश्वर पीठ (maheśvara pīṭha). There are चतुर् सुवर्ण स्तंभाः (catur suvarṇa staṃbhāḥ – four golden pillars) corresponding to the चतुर्वेद संहिताः (caturveda saṃhitāḥ – four vedic corpuses), supporting this महेश्वर पीठ (maheśvara pīṭha). 

सदाशिवपीठ (sadāśivapīṭha) is a platform on the north most side of the சிற்சபை / சிற்றம்பல சபை (sisabai / siṛṛambala sabai – small hall / gnostic hall) on which the sacred चितंबर रहस्य (citaṁbara rahasya – secret of gnostic vacuum) representing the அருவ தத்துவம் / निश्कल तत्त्व् (aruva tattuvam /  niśkala tattva – noumenal principal) of Divinity is revealed. It represents the esoteric secret of the चिताकाश स्पन्दन (citākāśa spandana - quantum jitters in conscious field) also called as the சிதம்பர நடனம் (cidambara nadanam - vacuum consciousness dance).  The चितंबर रहस्य (citaṁbara rahasya – secret of gnostic vacuum) is physically represented using தங்க மாலை (taṅga mālai - golden chain) containing (nine beads each of which is designed in the shape of the sacred) வில்வ இலை (vilva ilia - aegle marmelo leaf)embedded within the கலிமண் சுவர் (kaliman suvar - clay wall) on top of the सदाशिव पीठ (sadāśiva pīṭha)That is why, this platform is also called as சித்சபை chithsabai – gnostic hall).  

Hidden behind the ஆனந்த திருகூத்தின் ஒளி நடனம் (ānandatirukūttin oḻi naṭanam – visual dance of sacred blissful dance) manifested as உருவ தத்துவம் / शकल तत्त्व (uruvattattuvam / śakala tattva – phenomenal principle) there underlies the subtler ´Ä¢ ¿¼Éõ (oli naṭanam – sonic dance) manifesting the அருவ தத்துவம் / निश्कल तत्त्व् (aruva tattuvam /  niśkala tattva – noumenal principal) and this is referred as the sacred चितंबर रहस्य (citaṁbara rahasya – secret of gnostic vacuum).  As one progresses spiritually, one can, not only see (experience) the ஒளி நடனம் (oḻi naṭanam – visual dance) but can eventually hear His மந்திர / ஒலி நடனம் (mantira / oli naṭanam – mantric / sonic dance), as well. The Holy saint திரு அருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலார் (tiru arupirakāca irāmaliga vaḻḻalār) has beautifully symbolized  ஒளி நடனம் (oḻi naṭanam – visual dance) & ´Ä¢ ¿¼Éõ (oli naṭanam – sonic dance) as மயில் (mayil - peacock) & குயில் (kuyil - cuckoo) respectively, as testified in the following verses: 

வானத்தின் மீது மயில் ஆட கண்டேன்
மயில் குயிலாச்சுதடி அக்கச்சி
மயில் குயிலாச்சுதடி
vānattin mīdu mayil āḍa kaṇḍEn
mayil kuyilāccudaḍi akkacci
mayil kuyilāccudaḍi
I saw a peacock dancing in the sky.
The peacock (magically) transformed into a cuckoo – dear sister
The peacock turned into a cuckoo!

-translation by self
Tamil Reference: திரு அருட்பா (tiru aruṭpā) (6.129.1)

What the saint refers to here is his பிண்ட மெய்ஞான அனுபவம் (piṇḍa meijñāna anubavam – internalized spiritual experience). However, the same theme can also be extended to the அண்ட விஞ்ஞான நடனம் (aṇḍa vijñjñāna anubavam – externalized scientific experience). Please remember that the பிண்டம் (piṇḍam – micrcosm) is nothing but the fractal reflection of the அண்டம் (aṇḍam – macrocosm). We shall discuss more about this as we proceed further.

In fact, the चिताकाश स्पन्दन (citākāśa spandana - quantum jitters in conscious field) corresponds to specific letters in the Tamil / Sanskrit alphabets viz. / (ā)', ‘ / (ī)’, ‘ /  (ū)’,  ‘(E)’,  ‘ /(oṃ)’, அம் /अं (aṁ)’, ‘ஹ்ரீம் / ह्रीं (hrīṁ)’, ‘ஹம் / हं (haṁ)’,க்ஷம் /क्षं (kṣaṁ)’ &ஆம் / आं (āṁ)’ respectively. The following verses from திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) very clearly highlights the same

ஆனந்தம் ஆனந்தம் ஒன்றென்று அறைந்திட
ஆனந்தம் ஆனந்தம் ஆ ஈ ஊ ஏ ஓம் என்று அறைந்திடும்
ஆனந்தம் ஆனந்தம் அஞ்சுமது ஆயிடும்
ஆனந்தம் ஆனந்தம் அம் ஹ்ரீம் ஹம் க்ஷம் ஆம் ஆகுமே.

மேனி இரண்டும் விலங்காமல் மேற்கொள்ள
மேனி இரண்டும் மிகார விகாரியாம்
மேனி இரண்டும் ஊ ஆ ஈ ஏ ஓ என்று
மேனி இரண்டும் ஈ ஓ ஊ ஆ ஏ கூத்தாமே
ānandam ānandam onṛenṛu aṛaintiḍa
ānandam ānandam ā ī ū E oṃ enṛu aṛaindiḍum
ānandam ānandam anjumadu āyiḍum
ānandam ānandam am hrīm am kśam ām āgumE.

mEni iraṇḍum vilaṅgāmal mEṛkoḻḻa
mEni iraṇḍum migāra vigāriyām
mEni iraṇḍum ū ā ī E O enṛu
mEni iraṇḍum ī O ū ā E kūttāmE
One the Supreme Bliss,
One the Supreme Bliss,
Thus chant the mantra
You shall have Bliss,
Bliss has its source in Letters Five;
‘ā’, ‘ī’, ‘ū’, ‘E’ and ‘oṃ’ the life vowels they are;
They become the Five Letter mantra
And joy that is within joy;
Bliss lies in the seed-letters Five;
‘aṁ’, ‘hrīṁ’, ‘haṁ’, ‘kṣaṁ’ and ‘āṁ’, are they.

The Two Letter mantra is Body of Lord
Chant it inarticulate;
As the Two suffuse your body,
You stand transformed;
The Two Letters that are Lord's Corpus
Become Five Letters that is Jīva;
‘ū’, ‘ā’, ‘ī’, ‘E’ & ‘O’
The Two Letters that are Lord's Corpus
Become the Five Letters that is Siva Dance
‘ī’, ‘O’, ‘ū’, ‘ā’ &’E’.

-translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (910, 911)

Theologically speaking, between the अष्टबीजाक्षराणि (aṣṭabījākṣarāṇi – eight seed syllables), the first set of four correspond to the शैव (śaiva) while the remaining to शाक्त (śākta) aspects respectively and their नाद संमेलन (nāda saṁmelana – sonic union) is the ஆனந்த திருக்கூத்து (ānandatirukkūttu – dance of bliss).  This is what is referred in the first verse quoted above. The next verse highlights that the स्थूल (sthūla - gross) & सूक्ष्म (sūkṣma - subtle) modes of the dance occurring in us simultaneously at the जीवात्म (jīvātma – corporeal self) & परमात्म (paramātma – supreme self) scales respectively.

The next important point to understand that these five syllables viz. ‘/ (ā)', ‘ / (ī)’, ‘ /(ū)’, ‘ (E)’ & ‘ / (oṃ)’, esoterically correspond to the sacred पञ्चाक्षरमन्त्र (pañcākṣaramantra) viz. नमशिवय (namaśivaya).  It is this बीजाक्षर मन्त्र (bījākṣara mantra) that lies behind the सुवर्ण बिल्वपत्र माल (suvarṇa bilvapatra māla - golden chain of aegle marmelo leaves). These letters are secretly embossed in a 5*5 मण्डल (maṇḍala – matrix/ circuit) embedded on the கலிமண் சுவர் (kalimaṇ suvar - clay wall) where the sacred சிதம்பர இரகசியம் (cidambara iragasiyam) is revealed in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple.  The below quoted verses from திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) testifies on these points,   


கூத்தே சிவாய நமமசி யாயிடும்
கூத்தே ஈஊஆஏஓம் சிவாய நம வாயிடும்
கூத்தே இஉஅஎஒ சிவயநம வாயிடும்
கூத்தே ஈஊஆஏஓம் நமசிவாய கோளொன்று மாறே.

இருந்த இவ் வட்டங்கள் ஈராறி ரேகை
இஎஉந்த இராகைமேல் இறாறு இருத்தி
இருந்த மனைகளும் ஈராறு பதொன்று
இருந்த மனையொன்றில் எய்துவன் தானே
kūttE sivāya namasi vāyiḍum
kūttE īū ā E oṃ sivāya nama vāyiḍum
kūttE īūāEOm sivayanama vāyiḍum
kūttE īūāEOm namasivāya kOḻonṛu māṛE.

irunda iv vaṭṭaṅgaḻ īrāṛi rEgai
ieunda irāgaimEl iṛāṛu irutti
irunda manaigaḻum īrāṛu patonṛu
irunda manaiyonṛil eiduvan tānE..
The Dance-Letters Si Va Ya become Namasivaya
The Dance-Letters ‘ā’, ‘ī’, ‘ū’, ‘E’ and ‘oṃ’ become Sivaya Nama
The Dance-Letters ‘ā’, ‘ī’, ‘ū’, ‘E’ and ‘oṃ’ become Si Va Ya Nama
The Dance-Letters ‘ā’, ‘ī’, ‘ū’, ‘E’ and ‘oṃ’ become the stellar mantra Nama Sivaya
In the Chakra formed by lines twelve (Six Vertical and Six Horizontal)
Are the squares;
Fix the Mantra,
In the chambers five and twenty formed,
In One the Lord takes His seat

-translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (912,914)

The 5*5 मण्डल (maṇḍala - circuit) referred above is technically called as the पञ्चाक्शर मन्त्र मण्डल (pañcākśara mantra maṇḍala – five syllabled sonic circuit) and more or less corresponds to the following matrix.The esoteric significance of this पञ्चाक्शर मन्त्र मण्डल (pañcākśara mantra maṇḍala) is subtly referred in various occult தமிழ் சித்தர் இலக்கியங்கள் (tamizh siddar ilakkiyaṅgaḻ – Tamil Siddha literatures). The noble saint திருமூலர் (tirumūlar) in particular, deals at length with it in his magnum opus masterpiece திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram), as testified in the below quoted verses

அஞ்செழுத்தாலே அமர்ந்தனர் நந்தியும்
அஞ்செழுத்தாலே அமர்ந்த பஞ்சாக்கரம்
அஞ்செழுத்தாகிய வக்கர சக்கரம்
அஞ்செழுத்துள்ளே அமர்ந்திருந்தானே .

ஆயும் சிவாய நமசிவாய ந
ஆயும் நமசிவாய பயணமா சிவா
வாயும் E வாய நமசியெனும் மந்திரம்
ஆயும் சிகாரம் தோட்டநத்தத்த தடைவிலே
añjezhuttālE amarndanan nandiyum
añjezhuttālE amarnda pañjākkaram
añjezhuttāgiya vakkara cakkaram
añjezhuttuḻḻE amarnadirundānE

āyum sivāya namasivāya na
āyum namasivā yayanama sivā
vāyumE vāya namasiyenum mandiram
āyum sigāram toṭṭanatat taḍaivilE
Letter five is seat of Nandi;
Letter Five is Holy Mantra;
Letter Five is Divine Chakra;
Letter Five is Lord’s abode.

In the row on top of Chakra
Write Si Va Ya Na Ma;
In the squares on row next
Fill Ma Si Va Ya Na
In the row third write Na Ma Si Va Ya
Still below comes Letters in order Ya Na Ma Si Va
In the squares last are Letters Va Ya Na Ma Si
Thus do you fill squares in Chakra
With 'Si' to begin and 'Si' to end..

-translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (934, 923)

This पञ्चाक्शर मन्त्र मण्डल (pañcākśara mantra maṇḍala) is called a चक्र (cakra - wheel) here because of its cyclic pattern in chanting. If you observe the above 5 * 5 matrix, it will be clear that the अक्षरम् (akaram– syllable) in the 5th column (c) of every row (r), corresponds to the 1st column of its immediately subsequent row. For example, / (ma) in (r = 1, c =5) is the same as (r=2, c=1). Similarly, / (na)  in (r=2, c=5) is the same as (r=3,c=1) and so on; and finally in the last row  शि /சி (śi / si)  in (r=5, c=5)  is the same as  (r=1, c=1); thus, forming a closed loop चक्र (cakra - wheel).

शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)
म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)
न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)
य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)
व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)

Interestingly, திருமூலர் (tirumūlar) himself also refers to an alternate version of this चक्र (cakra - wheel).  The following matrix demonstrates the same here.
शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)
य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)
म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)
व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)
न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)

Here, the अक्षरम् (akṣaram– syllable) in the 3rd column (c) of every row (r), corresponds to the 1st column of its immediately subsequent row. The following verse from திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) testifies this.

பாரமாய் அஞ்செழுத்துள் நடுவாய்
பாரமாய் நமசிமா பார்க்கில் மவயநசி
பாரமாய் சிவநாம வாம்பரத்தோதிர்
பாரமாய் வாசி மாயணமா நின்றே
paramāi anjehuttuḻ naḍuvāi
paramāi namasima pārkkil mavayanasi
paramāi siyanama vāmparattOdiṛ
paramāi vāsi mayanamāi ninṛE.
Inscribe Letters Five Si Va Ya Na Ma;
In the next row place Letters Ya Na Va Si Ma;
Further on place the letters in order thus:
Ma Va Ya Na Si; Si Ya Na Ma Va;
And Va Si Ma Ya Na
Thus do the Five Letters in Chakra permuted stand

translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (946)

Of course, the above two styles are not the only ways of contemplating on the sacred पञ्चाक्षर मण्डलचक्र चिदंबरस्य (pañcākṣara maṇḍalacakra cidaṃbarasya – five-syllabled circuit center of gnostic-vacuum). From योग साधन (yoga sādhana – yogic practice) perspective, saints like மகா சித்தர் அகத்தியர் (magā ciddar agattiyar), for example, refer to variations in these यन्त्र मण्डल (yantra maṇḍala) that would help conquer or overcome the following अष्टविध तर्जनानि (aṣṭavidha tarjanāni – eightfold acts)

#तर्जन (tarjana – threat)पञ्चाक्षर (pañcākṣara – five syllable)मन्त्र (mantra)
1वश्य / வசியம் (vaśya / vasiyam - bewitching)यनमशिव / யநமசிவ (yanamaśiva / yanamaśiva)ॐ यमनशिव हरिओम् ऐं क्लिं स्वाः / ஓம் யநமசிவ அரிஓம் ஐயும் கிலியும் சுவாகா (oṃ yamanaśiva hariom aiṃ kliṃ svāḥ / oṃ yamanasiva hariom aiyuṃ kiliyum suvāga)
2मोहन / மோகனம் (mohana / mOganam - stupifying)मशिवयन / மசிவயந (maśivayana / masivayana)ॐ मशिवयन क्लिं सौं श्रीं स्वाः /ஓம் மசிவயந கிலியும் சவ்வும் ஸ்ரீயும் சுவாகா (oṃ maśivayana kliṃ sauṃ śrīṃ svāḥ / oṃ masivayana kiliyum sauvuṃ śrīyuṃ suvāga)
3उच्चाटन / உச்சாடனம் (ucchāḍana / uccāḍanam - expelling)नमशिवय / நமசிவய (namaśivaya / namasivaya)ॐ नमशिवय ऐं क्लिं सौं स्वाः / ஓம் நமசிவய ஐயும் கிலியும் சவ்வும் சுவாகா (oṃ namaśivaya aiṃ kliṃ sauṃ svāḥ / oṃ namasivaya aiyuṃ kiliyum sauvuṃ suvāga)
4स्तंभन / தம்பனம் (staṃbhana / tambanam - paralyzing)वयमनशि / வயநமசி (vayamanaśi / vayamanasi)ॐ वयनमशि श्रीं हरिओम् ऐं स्वाः / ஓம் வயநமசி ஸ்ரீயும் அரிஓம் ஐயும் சுவாகா. (oṃ vayanamaśi śrīṃ hariom aiṃ svāḥ / oṃ vayanamasi śrīṃ hariom aiyuṃ suvāga)
5आकर्षण / ஆகர்ஷணம் (ākarṣaṇa / ākarṣaṇam - attracting)वशिमनय / வசிமநய (vaśimanaya / vasimanaya)ॐ वशिमनय श्रीं सौं क्लीं स्वाः / ஓம் வசிமநய ஸ்ரீயும் சவ்வும் கிலியும் சுவாகா (oṃ vaśimanaya śrīṃ sauṃ klīṃ svāḥ / oṃ vasimanaya srīyuṃ sauvuṃ klīiyuṃ suvāga)
6भेदन / பேதனம் (bhedana / bEdanam - discriminating)नमशिवय /யவசிமந (yavaśimana / yavasimana)ॐ वशिमनय श्रीं सौं क्लीं स्वाः / ஓம் யவசிமந அரிஓம் ஸ்ரீயும் சவ்வும் சுவாகா (oṃ yavaśimana hariom śrīṃ sauṃ svāḥ / oṃ yavasimana hariom srīyum sauvuṃ suvāgā)
7विद्वेषण / வித்வேஷணம் (vidveṣaṇa vidhvEṣaṇam - estranging)नमशिवय / நமசிவய (namaśivaya / namasivaya)ॐ नमशिवय ऐं क्लीं श्रीं स्वाः / ஓம் நமசிவய ஐயும் கிலியும் ஸ்ரீயும் சுவாகா (oṃ namaśivaya aiṃ klīṃ śrīṃ svāḥ / oṃ namasivaya aiyuṃ klīiyuṃ srīyuṃ suvāgā)
8मारणम् / மாரணம் (māraṇam - slaying)शिवयनम / சிவயநம (śivayanama / sivayanama)ॐ शिवयनम सौं श्रीं हरिओम् स्वाः / ஓம் சிவயநம சவ்வும் ஸ்ரீயும் அரிஓம் சுவாகா (oṃ śivayanama sauṃ śrīṃ hariom svāḥ / oṃ sivayanama sauvum srīyum hariyum suvāgā)

Please remember that this पञ्चाक्षर मन्त्र (pañcākṣara mantra – five syllabled mantra) also corresponds to the पञ्चमहाभूततत्त्वानि (pañcamahābhūtatattvāni five core physical elements) which in turn esoterically maps to specific क्षेत्रगतरुपणि यज्ञीय वह्निस्थानवेदिनाम् (kṣetragatarupaṇi yajñīya vahnisthānavedinām – geometrical shapes of sacrificial hearth-altars) that are needed for पञ्चाग्नि होम (pañcāgni homa – fivefire sacrifice). The same in terms of  पञ्चाग्नि  अन्तर्योग गुप्तविद्या (pañcāgni  antaryoga guptavidyā – five-fire inner yogic esoteric science), correspond to the पञ्चभूत सूक्षमदेहचक्राणि / பஞ்சபூத சூக்ஷம உடற்சக்கரங்கள்  (pañcabhūta sūkṣamadehacakrāṇi / pañcabhūta sūkṣama udaṛcakkaraṅgaḻ– five material subtle-body centers) in this context, மகா சித்தர் அகத்தியர் (magā ciddar agattiyar) also refers to them. Moreover, he also refers to other occult tantric concepts like पञ्चाक्षर लक्षण / பஞ்சாக்ஷர லக்கனம் (pañcākṣara lakṣaṇa), पञ्चभूत बीजाक्षराणि  / பஞ்சபூத பீஜாக்ஷரங்கள் (pañcabhūta bījākṣarāṇi / pañcabūda bījākṣaraṅgaḻ - five-material seed syllables), etc. I shall not get into these details here, but would like to share here a more comprehensive version of the चितंबर पञ्चाक्षर मण्डल चक्र (citaṁbara pañcākṣara maṇḍala cakra – fivesyllabled vacuum gnostic circuit center) highlighting some of these mappings

The following table gives a mapping of these attributes in terms of the चितंबर पञ्चाक्षर मण्डल चक्र  (citaṁbara pañcākṣara maṇḍala cakra - fivesyllabled vacuum gnostic circuit center)

#अक्षर (akṣara - syllable)भूत तत्त्व (bhūta tattva – material principle)क्षेत्रगतरुप (kṣetragatarupa – geometrical shape)मन्त्रेश्वर लक्षन (mantreśvara lakṣana – theosonic charecteristic)बीजाक्षार मन्त्र (bījākṣāra mantra – seed syllable hymn)निगूडार्थ सङ्ख्या (nigūḍārtha saṅkhyā - occult number)निगूडार्थ वर्ण (nigūḍārtha varṇa – occult phoneme)
1न /ந (na)நிலம் / पृथ्वि (nilam / pṛthvi - earth)चतुष्टय / நாற்கோணம் (catuṣṭaya / nāṛkOṇam - square)तत्पुरुष (tatpuruṣa)लं (laṁ)5ऋ / Õ (ṛ / ru)
2म /ம (ma)நீர் / अपस् (nīr / apas - water)अर्धचन्द्र / மூன்றாம் பிறை (ardhacandra / mūnṛām piṛai – crescent moon)अघोर (aghora)वं (vaṁ)7ए / எ (e)
3शि /சி (śi / si)நெருப்பு / अग्नि (neruppu / agni - fire)त्रिकोण / முக்கோணம் (trikoṇa mukkOṇam - triangle)वामदेव (vāmadeva)रं (raṁ)8प् /ப் (p)
4व / வ (va)காற்று / वायु (kāṛṛu / vāyu - air)षड्कोण / அறுகோணம் (ṣaḍkoṇa / aṛukOṇam - hexagon)सद्योजात (sadyojāta)यं (yaṁ)13य, ङ / ய ங (ya , ṅa)
5य /ய (ya)ஆகாயம் / आकाश (āgāyam / ākāśa - space)वर्तुल / வட்டம் (vartula / vaṭṭam - circle)ईशान (īśāna)हं (haṁ)15य, अ / ய, அ (ya, a)

The next important concept to remember before proceeding further is that there is a close correspondence between the बहिरङ्ग आनन्द ताण्डव चिदम्बरनटराजस्य  / பகிரங்க சிதம்பர நடராஜரின் ஆனந்த தாண்டவம் (bahiraṅga ānanda tāṇḍava cidambaranaṭarājasya  / bagiraṅga cidambara naṭarājarin ānanda tāṇḍavam- external Bliss Dance of Lord Chidambara Nataraja) and the अन्तरङ्ग नादप्रकाश स्पन्दन चिदाकाशस्य / அந்தரங்க சித்தாகாசத்தின்(ஞானவெளியின்) ஒலியொளி அசைவு (antaraṅga nādaprakāśa spandana cidākāśasya  / antaraṅga cittāgāsattin (jñānaveḻiyin) oliyoḻi asaivu – internal gnostic audio-visual jitters of gnostic vacuum). In fact, the पञ्चाक्षर बीजमन्त्र (pañcākṣara bījamantra fivefold seedsylable mantra) corresponds to different अङ्गानि दिवदेहे श्री नटराजस्य (aṅgāni divadehe śrī naṭarājasya –organs in the divine body of Lord Nataraja), as testified in the following verses   

மகார நடுவே வளைந்திடும் சத்தியை
ஓகாரம் வளைத்திட்டு உம்பிளந்து ஏற்றி
அகாரம் தலையாய் இருக்கான் சிகரமாய்
நகர வகார நற்காலத்து நாடுமே .

ஆகின்ற சக்கரத்துள்ளே எழுத்தைந்தும்
பாகொன்றி நின்ற பாதங்களில் வார்த்தைக்கும்
ஆகின்ற ஐம்பத்தோரெழுத்துள் நிற்கப்
பாகொன்றி நிற்கும் பராபறன் தானே.
magāra naḍuvE vaḻaindiḍum sattiyai
Ogāram vaḻaittittu umpiḻandu Eṛṛi
agāram talaiyāi irukan sigāramāi
nagāra vagāra naṛkāladu nāḍumE।

āginṛa cakkarattuḻḻE ehuttaindum
pāgonṛi ninṛa padaṅgaḻil varttikkum
āginṛa aimbattOrehuttuḻ niṛkkap
pāgonṛi niṛkkum parāparan tānE
Inscribe Letter 'Ma' in center
Above it describe Letter 'Va'
Surround the two by Letter 'O'
Split them in Center vertically by letter U
Place Letter 'Ya' on top,
Fix letter 'Si' on both sides,
That they look like eyes two,
The Letters 'Na' and 'A' to form the diagram's feet two.

His Feet are Letter "Na"
His navel is Letter "Ma"
His shoulders are Letter "Si"
His mouth Letter "Va"
His cranial center aloft is Letter "Ya"
--Thus Five-Letter Form of Siva is.

-translation by Dr. B. Natarajan

Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (921,941)


The first verse refers to the  सूक्षम मन्त्ररूप ईश्वरस्य (sūkṣama mantrarūpa īśvarasya – subtle sonic body of Lord), while the latter refers to His स्थूल रूप (sthūla rūpa – gross form). The following images depicts both these forms.

Interestingly, the मण्डल (maṇḍala - matrix) also corresponds to subtle quantum vibrations codified as the एकपञ्चाशत् बीजाक्षराणि देवनागर्याः (ekapañcāśat bījākṣarāṇi devanāgaryāḥ - fifty-one seed syllables of divine script) – in other words the संस्कृत वर्णपाट (saṃskṛta varṇapāṭa - Sanskrit alphabet). Once again, I quote the verses of the noble saint திருமூலர் (tirumūlar)  in this regard

அடைவினில் ஐம்பதும் ஐஐந்து அறையின்
அடையும் அறையினருக்கு ஈரெழுத்து ஆக்கி
அடையும் மகாரத்தில் அந்தமான் க்ஷவ்வும்
அடைவின் எழுத்து ஐம்பத்தோன்றும் அமர்ந்ததே .
aḍaivinil aimbadum aiaindu aṛaiiyin
aḍaiyum aṛaiynṛukku īrehuttu ākki
aḍaiyum makārattil andamām kśavvum
aḍaivin ezhuttu aimbattonṛum amarndadE

In chambers five and twenty, enclose the letters fifty two in each; with letter ‘a’ to begin and
Final letter ‘Ksha’ to end; These with the one letter OM;
Fifty and one in all, the letter fill.
In Chakra’s chamber five and twenty.

-translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (924)

The following table illustrates a specific pattern (discussed above) of the चितंबर पञ्चाक्षर मण्डल चक्र (citaṁbara pañcākṣara maṇḍala cakra – five-syllabled vacuum gnostic circuit centre) along with the corresponding Sanskrit letters associated with the specific cell.

शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)
अ / அ (a)आ / ஆ (ā)इ /இ (i)ई / ஈ (ī)उ / உ (u),ऊ / ஊ (ū)ऋ/று (ṛ)ॠ / றூ (ṝ)लृ (lṛ)ए /ஏ (e )
य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)
ऐ /ஐ (ai)ओ /ஓ (o)औ / ஔ (au)अं / அம் (aṁ)अः / அஃ (aḥ)क / க (ka)ख (kha)ग (ga)घ (gha)ङ (ṅa)
म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)
च (ca)छ (cha)ज / ஜ (ja)झ (jha)ञ (ña)ट / ட (ṭa)ठ (ṭha)ड (ḍa)ढ (ḍha)ण (ṇa)
व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)
त / தथ (tha)द (da)ध (dha)न /ந (na)प / ப (pa)फ (pha)ब (ba)भ (bha)म /ம (ma)
न /ந (na)म /ம (ma)शि /சி (śi / si)व / வ (va)य /ய (ya)
य /ய (ya)र / ர (ra)ल /ல (la)व / வ (va)श / ஶ (śa)ष / ஷ (ṣa)स / ச (sa)ह / ஹ (ha)
क्ष /க்ஷ (kṣa)

The एकपञ्चाशत् बीजाक्षराणि देवनागर्याः (ekapañcāśat bījākṣarāṇi devanāgaryāḥ - fifty-one seed syllables of divine script) which are by default potent in the चितंबर पञ्चाक्षर मण्डल चक्र (citaṁbara pañcākṣara maṇḍala cakra) gets kindled and manifest themselves in a specific sequence in line with the rhythmic beats of the डमरु (ḍamaru - drum) in the hands  during the आनन्द ताण्डव चिदम्बरनटराजस्य  / சிதம்பர நடராஜரின் ஆனந்த தாண்டவம் (ānanda tāṇḍava cidambaranaṭarājasya / cidambara naṭarājarin ānanda tāṇḍavam-  Bliss Dance of Lord Chidambara Nataraja). This fact is testified in the श्री नन्दिकेशकाशिका कारिका (śrī nandikeśakāśikā kārikā) by none other than श्री नन्दिकेश्वर महऋषि (śrī nandikeśvara mahaṛṣi) who is not only considered to be the देववाहन परमशिवस्य (devavāhana paramaśivasya – divine vehicle of Lord Paramashiva), but is also first and foremost परमाचर्य शुद्धाद्वैत शैवसिद्धान्त दर्शनस्य (paramācarya śuddhādvaita śaivasiddhānta darśanasya – chief preceptor of pure non-dualistic final auspiscious accomplishment philosophy).

नृत्तावसाने नटराजराजो
ननादढक्कां नवपञ्च वारम्।
ऊद्दर्तु कामः सनकादि सिद्धान्
एतत् विमर्शे शिव सूत्र जालम्॥

nṛttāvasāne naṭarājarājo
nanādaḍhakkāṁ navapañca vāram|
ūddartu kāmaḥ sanakādi siddhān
etat vimarśe śiva sūtra jālam||

At the close of His Dance, Nataraja (Shiva), the Lord of Dance, in order to uplift Sanaka and other siddhas (mystics) sounded the hand-drum fourteen times. I comment upon, the collections of these aphorisms of Shiva.

-translation by Dr. K.S Balasubramaniyan & Dr. Vasudevan

Sanskrit Reference: : श्री नन्दिकेशकाशिका कारिका (śrī nandikeśakāśikā kārikā) (1)

श्री उपमन्यु महऋषि (śrī upamanyu mahaṛṣi) in his famous विमर्शिन (vimarśina - examination) on the above verse, further explains thus: 

अहमिति शेषः। नटराजराज इत्यनेन मङ्गलादीनि दर्शितानि। विश्वरूपविलासवैचित्र्यचमत्कारप्रवीणत्वात् नटराजराजः। ताण्डवाख्यरासमात्रविलासवचित्र्यचमत्कारपरिणत्वस्य अन्यत्र नटादावपि सत्वात्। स स्वात्मतत्त्वं वागाद्यगोचरं इति ज्ञापनाय ढक्कानिनादव्याजेन सनकादीन् उद्धर्तुकामोऽयं नवपञ्चवारं चतुर्दर्शवारं स्वान्तर्गत्मात्मतत्त्वं प्रकटियतुं तद्वसाने ढक्कं ननाद। अहं तदेतत् विततनिनादोभूतवर्णात्मकमाद्यमतिरहस्यं शिवसूत्रजालं शिवसंबन्धिसूत्रसमूहं कल्याणरूपसूत्रसमूहं वा विमर्शे विचार्य स्फुटिकरोमित्यर्थः। विमर्श इति छान्दसम् बोध्यम्।

ahamiti śeṣaḥ। naṭarājarāja ityanena maṅgalādīni darśitāni। viśvarūpavilāsavaicitryacamatkārapravīṇatvāt naṭarājarājaḥ। tāṇḍavākhyarāsamātravilāsavacitryacamatkārapariṇatvasya anyatra naṭādāvapi satvāt। sa svātmatattvaṃ vāgādyagocaraṃ iti jñāpanāya ḍhakkāninādavyājena sanakādīn uddhartukāmo'yaṃ navapañcavāraṃ caturdarśavāraṃ svāntargatmātmatattvaṃ prakaṭiyatuṃ tadvasāne ḍhakkaṃ nanāda। ahaṃ tadetat vitataninādobhūtavarṇātmakamādyamatirahasyaṃ śivasūtrajālaṃ śivasaṃbandhisūtrasamūhaṃ kalyāṇarūpasūtrasamūhaṃ vā vimarśe vicārya sphuṭikaromityarthaḥ। vimarśa iti chāndasam bodhyam।

The term ‘I’ is understood. By the term naṭarājarāja auspiciousness is indicated. On account of his expertise in manifesting the manifold nature of His Cosmic Form, (He is) Naṭarājarāja; (He is ) endowed with dexterity in the dance-form called Tāṇḍava significant with the manifestation of vigour; the proficiency in other forms of dance is also present (in Him). In order to raise Sanaka and others by reminding them of the Supreme Nature of the Soul that is in Him, which is beyond the reach of senses like speech etc., under the pretext of sounding the hand-drum, he sounded it (the hand-drum) fourteen times as the close of the dance to manifest the Supreme Consciousness that is inherent in Him. Pondering over, I shall clearly elaborate the auspiscious, deep secret (mystical) first collection of Lord Śiva’s aphorisms, related to Lord Śiva Himself, which are the expansion in the form of letters of the sound that emanated (from the hand-drum). The word ‘vimarśe’ (I shall explain) is to be understood to have been used for the sake of metrical requirements.

-translation by Dr. K.S Balasubramaniyan & Dr. Vasudevan

Sanskrit Reference: :श्री नन्दिकेशकाशिकाकारिका तत्त्वविमर्शिनी (śrī nandikeśakāśikākārikā tattvavimarśinī) (1)

This text is considered to be a विवृति (vivṛti - gloss) on the महेश्वरसूत्रानी / शिवसूत्रानि (maheśvarasūtrānī / śivasūtrāni) which was originally revealed to श्री पाणिनि महऋषि (śrī pāṇini mahaṛṣi), who is widely adored as the father of classical संस्कृत व्याकरण (saṃskṛta vyākaraṇa - Sanskrit Grammar), for his first treatise on the same called अष्टाद्यायी (aṣṭādyāyī). According to this legend the entire sequence of Sanskrit alphabet was originally revealed by lord महेश्वर (maheśvara) in a specific sequence containing चतुर्दश जालम् (caturdaśa jālam – fourteen groups), technically called as the अक्षर समानय (akṣara samānaya – recitation of phonemes). As it was originally revealed by महेश्वर (maheśvara), it is also called as महेश्वरसूत्रानी / शिवसूत्रानि (maheśvarasūtrānī / śivasūtrāni). These 14 aphorisms are listed here   

अ ई उ ण्।
ऋ लृ क्।
ए ओ ङ्।
ऐ औ च्।
ल ण्।
ञ म ङ ण न म्।
क्ष भ ञ्।
घ ढ ध ष।
ज ब ग द श।
ख फ छ ठ थ् च ट त व्।
क प य्।
श ष स र्।
ह ल्।
इति महेश्व्राणि सूत्राणि ॥
a ī u ṇ|
ṛ lṛ k|
e o ṅ|
ai au c|
la ṇ|
ña ma ṅa ṇa na m|
kṣa bha ñ|
gha ḍha dha ṣa|
ja ba ga da śa|
kha pha cha ṭha th ca ṭa ta v|
ka pa y|
śa ṣa sa r|
ha l|
iti maheśvrāṇi sūtrāṇi||
Sanskrit Reference: :अष्टाद्यायी : शिव सूत्र (aṣṭādyāyī: śiva sūtra) (1)

Similarly, according to கூத்தநூல் (kūththanūl), an ancient treatise on Indian classical dances by சாத்தநார் (sāttanār) - the eminent poet from சஙத் தமிழ் காலம் (sangath thamizh kaalam - classical Tamil era), the entire sequence of the ancient  தமிழ் எழுத்து (tamizh ezhuttu - Tamil alphabet), had emerged from the  ब्रह्मनाद स्पन्दन (brahmanāda spandana - theosonic vibration) emanating from the துடி /உடுக்கை / डमरु (thudi / udukkai/ ḍamaru – drum) during the आनन्दताण्डव नटराजस्य (ānandatāṇḍava naṭarājasya - blissful dance by the king of dances).

நிறை மொழி மான்தர் மறைமொழிச் சொல்லும்
இறையவன் கூத்தில் இயன்றதே என்ப.
ஒவ்வோர் ஒலியும் ஒவ்வோர் ஆக்கும்
ஒவ்வோர் அசைப்பின் ஊக்கமே என்ப
பரை விரை னடுமுடி நால்வகைப்பண்பும்
வரைமுறைக் கூத்தின் வரைமுறை என்ப.
அகரம் சிவமாம்; இகரம் பரையாம்;
உகரம் சிவபறை; எகரம் யோனி;
ஐகாரம் வாக்கு; ஒகரமே சுவையாம்
ஔகாரம் இழையாம்; ஆயுடம் கூத்தே
ககரம் தலையாம்; ஙகரம் கண்ணாம்;
சகரம் வாய் இதழ்; ஞகரமே மூக்கு;
டகரம் ஓம் செவி; ணகரம் மற்று ஓர்செவி;
தகரம் கழுத்தாம்; னகரம் தோள் இணை;
பகரமே மார்வம்; மகரமே வயிறு;
யகரமே உயிறாம்; ரகரம் இராகம்;
லகரம் இலவணி; வகரமே வகரம்;
ழகரமே ஸிறப்பு; ளகரமே இளதை;
றகரமே கடிக்கடி; நகரமே ஈறு.

மறைமொழிப் பெட்சி மறையவர்த் தெளிக.
எழுத்தும் சொல்லும் இசையும் கூத்தும்
பழுத்து நிறைவது பரனிலை என்ப.
niṝai mozhi māndar maṛaimozhiccollum iṛyavan kūttil iyanṛdE enba।
ovvOr oliyum ovvOr ākkum
ovvOr asaippin ūkkamE enba।
nālvagaippaṇbum varaimuṛaikkūttin varaimurai enba।
āgaram sivamām; igaram paraiyām;
ūgaram sivapaṛai; egaram yOni;
āikāram vākku; okaramE suvaiyām
āukāram izhaiyām; āyudam kūttE kagaram talaiyām; ṇgkaram kaṇṇām;
ṣagaram vāi idazh; jñagaram mūkku;
ṭagaram Om sevi; ṇagaram maṛṛu Orsevi;
ṭagaram kazhuttām; nagaram tOḻ iṇai;
pagaramE mārbām; magaramE vayiṛu;
yagaramE uyiṛām; ragaram irāgam;
lagaram ivvaṇi; vagaramE vagaram;
zhagaramE ciṛappu; ḻakaramE iḻadai;
ṛakaramE kaḍikkaḍi; nakaramE īṛu;
maṛaimozhipppeṭci maṛaiyavarneḻiga
ezhuttum collum isaiyum kūttum pazhuttu niṛaivadu paranilai enba
Tamil Reference: கூத்தநூல் (kūththanūl)

 Moreover, along with the चितंबर पञ्चाक्षर मण्डल चक्र (citaṁbara pañcākṣara maṇḍala cakra – fivesyllabled vacuum gnostic circuit centre), the temple is associated with the यन्त्र (yantra - symbol) of श्री चक्र  (śrī cakra), संमेलन चक्र (saṁmelana cakra - – conjunction centre) etc. As the name indicates the संमेलन चक्र (saṁmelana cakra – conjunction centre) is basically a यन्त्र (yantra - symbol) depicting the शिव शक्ति सम्मेलन (śiva śakti sammelana – shiva shakti union)In fact, this is the महा रहस्य (mahā rahasya - supreme secret) revealed here. According to subject matter experts, there is a close correspondence between the संमेलन चक्र (saṁmelana cakra – conjunction centre)षट्कोण चक्र (akoa cakra – hexognal circuit)  

One of the earliest testimonies on the संमेलन चक्र (saṁmelana cakra – conjunction centre) can be found in the sacred திருமந்திரம் (thirumandhiram), wherein the revered saint திருமூலர் (thirumūlar) cryptically hints about it.

அண்ணல் இருப்பது அவள் அக்கரத்துளே
பெண்ணின்நல் லாளும் பிரானக் கரத்துளே
எண்ணி இருவர் இசைந்தங்கு இருத்திடப்
புண்ணிய வாளர் பொருளறிவார்களே.
aṇṇal irupad avaḻag karattuḻE
peṇṇinal lāḻum pirānak karattuḻE
enni iruvar isaindaṅg iruttiḍap
puṇṇiya vāḻar poruḻaṛivārgaḻE
The Lord is seated in His Consort’s Letter (Sauh)
The Mother is seated in Her Lord’s Letter (Hum)
When thus the two are in amity seated
The Holy beings comprehend the meanings inner.

-translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (931)

Here, the பொருளறிவார்களே (poruḻaṛivārgaḻE  - comprehend the meanings inner) refers to the दहर विद्या (dahara vidyā – quantum/subtle science) or what ஸ்ரீ பாம்பன்  சுவாமிகள் (sri pāmban suvāmigaḻ) refers as the "दहरालय रहस्य / தகராலய ரகசியம் (daharālaya rahasya / dagarālaya ragasiyam – secret of the subtle temple/field)" and more popularly known as the  चिदंबर रहस्य /சிதம்பர இரகசியம் (cidaṃbara rahasya / cidambara iragasiyam – secret of gnostic vacuum). Moreover, the expression "பெண்ணினால்  லாலும்  பிராணக்  கரத்துலே (peṇṇinal lāḻum pirānak karaththuḻE - mother is seated in Her Lord’s Letter)" refers to श्री शिवाकमसुन्दरी (śrī śivākamasundarī)who is so called because She is  the कामिन् शिवस्य (kāmin śivasya  – lover of Shiva). Moreover, She, as the देवपतिनी श्री नटराजस्य (devapatinī śrī naṭarājasya – divine consort of Lord Nataraja)is dwelling in His இதயம் (idayam - heart). Again, the expression 'அண்ணல்  இருப்பது  அவளாக  கரத்துலே (aṇṇal irupadu avaḻag karattuḻE)' also eulogizes சிவகாமி (sivagāmi) as 'சிவனை  அகமாய்  கொண்ட சிவகாமி (sivanai agamāi koNda sivagāmi).

Besides, the combination of these two expressions describe the ying-yang synergies of शिव शक्ति सम्मेलन (śiva śakti sammelana – shiva shakti union). Please remember that the esoteric symbology of नटराज मूर्ति (naṭarāja mūrti – dance king icon), by default, is a dynamic representation of the अर्ध्नारीश्वर तत्त्व (ardhnārīśvara tattva – bipolar principle) wherein नट (naṭa - dancer) is शिव (śiva) while His नृत / नाट्य (nṛta / nāṭya - dance) is the शक्ति (śakti). Of course, the same theme of अर्ध्नारीश्वर तत्त्व (ardhnārīśvara tattva – bipolar principle) is also reiterated in the श्री वैष्णव संप्रदाय (śrī vaiṣṇava saṁpradāya) wherein नारायणी (nārāyaṇī) & नारायण (nārāyaṇa) correspond to  शक्ति (śakti) & शिव (śiva) respectively, as testified in the following verses from the लक्ष्मी तन्त्र (lakṣmī tantra) belonging to the sacred पञ्चरात्रागम (pañcarātrāgama)

I am goddess Narayani, ever cooperating in performing the functions of Narayana, who consists of Jnana (knowledge), ananda (bliss) and kriya (activity); and i too consist of knowledge bliss and activity.
There is not a single place nor moment when it is possible for me to exist without Him or Him without me.

Translation by Sanjukta Gupta

Sanskrit Reference: :लक्ष्मी तन्त्र (lakṣmī tantra) (9.1,2)

Interestingly, श्री ललिता त्रिपुर सुन्दरी (śrī lalitā tripura sundarī) the goddess & theo-personification of श्री चक्र यन्त्र (śrī cakra yantra) is called as नाटेश्वरी (nāṭeśvarī – goddess of dance) ( 734th name) by lord हयग्रीव (hayagrīva) in the श्री ललिता सहरनाम  (śrī lalitā saharanāma) and श्री भास्करराय (śrī bhāskararāya) in his famous भाष्य (bhāṣya  - commentary) very clearly testifies that this term refers to சிவகாமி (sivakāmi). According to him,She is the wife of the Dancer, the Nataraja of Chidambaram

Moreover, according to esoteric श्री विद्या संप्रदाय (śrī vidyā saṁpradāya), Goddess  त्रिपुर सुन्धरी (tripura sundharī) is also closely associated with the हृदय स्थान (hṛdaya sthāna – heart centre),  similar to the दहर विद्या (dahara vidyā – quantum wisdom) concept in चितंबर / चिताकाश तत्त्व (citaṁbara / citākāśa tattva – gnostic vacuum principle). This fact, is very categorically acknowledged in the following verses of त्रिपुरारहस्य (tripurārahasya)

सा देवी त्रिपुरा सर्वहृदयाकाश रूपिणी।
अनन्न्यशरणं भक्तं प्रत्येवंरूपिणी द्रुतम्॥
हृदयान्तः परिणता मोचयेद् मृत्युजानतः॥
sā devī tripurā sarvahṛdayākāśa rūpiṇī|
anannyaśaraṇaṁ bhaktaṁ pratyevaṁrūpiṇī drutam||
hṛdayāntaḥ pariṇatā mocayed mṛtyujānataḥ||
That Goddess Tripuraa is of the nature of space of the Heart (since She manifests as Consciousness therein) in everyone. She, manifesting within the Heart in the form of discriminating perception. (or Buddhi) in a devotee who has taken refugee in Her without any other person as recourse, can liberate him quickly from the snare of death.

Translated by Samvid
Sanskrit Reference: :त्रिपुरारहस्य (tripurārahasya) (5)

Thus, there is lot of correspondence between the iconography of नटराज (naṭarāja) and the श्री चक्र (śrī cakra). For example, such correspondence is also testified in the following स्तोत्र (stotra – hymn of praise) composed by sage अगस्त्य महऋषि (agastya mahaṛṣi)   

श्री चक्र राज सिंहासनेश्वरी
श्री ललिथाबुकये भुवनेश्वरी
आगम वेद कलामय रूपिनी
अकिल चराचर जननी नरायणी
नाग कङ्गन नट्राज मनोहरि
ज्नान विध्येश्वरी राज राजेश्वरी॥
śrī cakra rāja siṁhāsaneśvarī
śrī lalithābukaye bhuvaneśvarī
āgama veda kalāmaya rūpinī
akila carācara jananī narāyaṇī
nāga kaṅgana naṭrāja manohari
jnāna vidhyeśvarī rāja rājeśvarī||
The mother Lalitha who is the goddess of universe
She whose personification of Agamas, Vedas and arts,
The Narayani who is the mother of moving and non moving things,
The beautiful consort of the king of dance who wears serpent bangles,
The goddess of knowledge of Jnana, and the goddess who is king of kings.

-Translated by P.R. Ramachandra
Sanskrit Reference: :श्री चक्र राज (śrī cakra rāja)

In fact, one can see the श्री चक्र यन्त्र (śrī cakra yantra) consecrated on the சிவகாமசுந்தரி கோயில் சன்னதியின் வலது பிரகாரம் (sivakāma sundari sannadiyin valadu pirakaara – left compound wall of Sivagama Sundari shrine). According to local legend, it was here जगत्गुरु स्री आदि शंकराचार्य भगवत्पाद (jagatguru srī ādi śaṁkarācārya bhagavatpāda) received his formal दीक्ष (dīka - initiation) on the occult science of श्री चक्र विद्या (śrī cakra vidyā) from महऋषि शुकर् (mahaṛṣi śukar). While one can see the physical version of the श्री चक्र यन्त्र (śrī cakra yantra) embedded on the compound wall, its original सूक्षम रूप (sūkṣama rūpa – subte form) is actually hidden behind the கலிமண் சுவர் (kalimaṇ suvar - clay wall) within the sanctum sanctorum wherein the ritual related to displaying the चिदम्बर रहस्य (citambara rahasya) is performed. This fact is indirectly testified by the revered saint श्री उमापति शिवाचार्य (śrī umāpati śivācārya) in his श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam)

भित्तौ श्रिचक्रसंस्थां तदनु नातपतिं शैवचक्रान्तरस्थम्
तद्वामे युग्महस्ताम् अपि च शुककरां ज्ञानशक्तिञ्च यष्ट्वा।
गोब्रह्मादिन् अथेष्ट्वा शकलविधाचारून् अर्पयित्वा बलींस्तान्
होमं कृत्वा यजन्ति प्रतिदिनम् अपि यम् कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिं बजेहम्॥
bhittau śricakrasaṁsthāṁ tadanu nātapatiṁ śaiva cakrāntarastham
tadvāme yugmahastām api ca śukakarāṃ jñānaśaktiñca yaṣṭvā|
gobrahmādin atheṣṭvā śakalavidhācārūn arpayitvā balīṁstān
homaṃ kṛtvā yajanti pratidinam api yam kuñcitāṅghriṁ bajeham||
Honouring Her who is in the Sricakra on the wall,
And after Her the Lord of Dancers within the Saivacakra,
(then the Lord of Dancers) and on His left His Jnana Shakti,
She who has two hands and holds a parrot;
Then worshipping the Bull, Brahma, and the others;
Making all the kinds of revential food offerings,
making the external food offerings,
And performing the homa, they honour Him every day.
Him who constantly performs His dance, there in the sheath of Bless,
Whose foot is curved, I worshp

-translation by David Smith
Sanskrit Reference: :श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam) (20)

And there is a even more explicit reference to the शिवचक्र (śivacakra), as well as, the श्री चक्र यन्त्र (śrī cakra yantra) in the following verses

आमन्वश्रं सुदीपां निजतनुमभितस्सत्यरूपप्रभान्तः
वामेयुक्तस्वशक्त्या वसुदलकमलस्वार्णकिञ्जलक्षोभम्।
व्याप्तं साहस्त्रकोष्ठस्थितशिवमनुभिर्मोहनाद्यः यदीयं
चक्रं संपूजयन्ति प्रतिदिनमनघाः कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रि बजेऽहम्॥
āmanvaśraṃ sudīpāṃ nijatanumabhitassatyarūpaprabhāntaḥ
vāmeyuktasvaśaktyā vasudalakamalasvārṇakiñjalakṣobham।
vyāptaṃ sāhastrakoṣṭhasthitaśivamanubhirmohanādyaḥ yadīyaṃ
cakraṃ saṃpūjayanti pratidinamanaghāḥ kuñcitāṅghri baje'ham॥
The faultless worship His Cakra every day,
His body, within the radiance of true form,
shines brightly on all sides
as far as the fourteen-cornered enclosure,
joined with His Sakti on His left
He comprises the beauty of the golden filaments
of the eight-petalled lotus.
His Cakra is pervaded with the Siva mantras,
Mohana etc. in the Chamber of the Thousand [Petals].

-translation by David Smith
Sanskrit Reference: :श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam) (109)

In the very next verse, there is a more detailed description of the त्रिचत्वारिंशत् त्रिकोणाः (tricatvāriṃśat trikoṇāḥ - forty-three triangles), अष्ट च षोडश दलानि (aṣṭa ca ṣoḍaśa dalāni – eight and sixteen petals) etc. making up the शिवचक्र यन्त्र (śivacakra yantra) installed there

त्रैचत्वारिंशदश्रे वसुनृपकमले वृतभूचक्रमध्ये
बिन्धौ सन्तानकल्पद्रुमनिकरयुते रत्नसौदेमनोज्ञे।
ब्रह्माद्याकारपादे शिवमयफलकेस्वर्णमञ्चे निषण्णो
देव्यायः पूज्यते तं हरिमुखविबुधैः कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिं भजेऽहम्॥
traicatvāriṃśadaśre vasunṛpakamale vṛtabhūcakramadhye
bindhau santānakalpadrumanikarayute ratnasaudemanojñe।
brahmādyākārapāde śivamayaphalakesvarṇamañce niṣaṇṇo
devyāyaḥ pūjyate taṃ harimukhavibudhaiḥ kuñcitāṅghriṃ bhaje'ham॥

Sanskrit Reference: :श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam) (110)

The roof has been laid by 21,600 தங்க ஓடுகள் (thanga OdugaL - golden tiles) each of which has the sacred पञ्चाक्षर मन्त्र (pañcākṣara mantra) viz. சிவாய நம (sivaaya nama) inscribed on them. Esoterically, these 21,600 ஓடுகள் (OdugaL - tiles) correspond to the 21,600 inhalations of an average human being in a day. These ஓடுகள் (OdugaL - tiles) are fixed using 72,000 தங்க ஆணிகள் (thanga aanigaL – golden nails) which in turn correspond to the 72,000 சூக்ஷம நாடிகள் (sUkshama naadigaL – subtle nerve channles) making up the सूक्षम देह (sūkama deha – subtle body) viz. the प्राणमय कोश (prāṇamaya kośa – vital sheath).

यद्स्तूप्यः शक्तिरूपास् तदधरविलासद्रोमरूपश् च किला
उच्छ्वासाः स्वर्णपट्टास् तदुरनिहिता दण्डरूपाश्च नाड्यः।
नाड्यन्तस्सर्वलोकाः फलकतनुगताहस्तरूपाः कलाश्च
तस्यां यो नृत्यतीशः तमनुपमतनुं कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिं भजेऽहम्॥
yadstūpyaḥ śaktirūpās tadadharavilāsadromarūpaś ca kilā
ucchvāsāḥ svarṇapaṭṭās taduranihitā daṇḍarūpāśca nāḍyaḥ।
nāḍyantassarvalokāḥ phalakatanugatāhastarūpāḥ kalāśca
tasyāṃ yo nṛtyatīśaḥ tamanupamatanuṃ kuñcitāṅghriṃ bhaje'ham॥

Its finials represent the saktis.
Shining below them, the tile-pins
represent hairs.
The golden tiles are the breaths
and the rafters they're affixed to
are the veins and arteries.
Under these all the worlds
take the form of the cross-beams
and the arts the main beams.
In this the Lord dances.
Him Whose body is unparalleled.
Whose foot is curved,
I worship.

Sanskrit Reference: :श्री कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रिस्तवम् (śrī kuñcitāṅghristavam) (6)

The roof is held by a set of 64 கை மரங்கள் (kai marangaL - wooden beams) representing the 64 forms of ஆய கலைகள் (aaya kalaigaL – fine arts) and is held by several cross-beams representing the innumerable blood vessels. The roof is topped by a set of நவ கலசங்கள் (nava kalasangaL –  nine sacred pots) representing the नवावर्ण शक्ति (navāvarṇa śakti - nine forms of energy).

The roof is topped by a set of நவ கலசங்கள்  (nava kalasangaL –  nine sacred pots) representing the नवावर्ण शक्ति (navāvarṇa śakti - nine forms of energy) viz. वाम (vāma), जैष्ट (jaiṣṭa)रौद्र(raudra), काली(kālī), कल्विकर्नि (raudra),बालविकर्नी(bālavikarnī),बाल प्रमार्धनी (bāla pramārdhanī), सर्व भूताद्मनि (sarva bhūtādmani) & मनोन्मनि (manonmani).  The अर्ध मण्डप (ardha maṇḍapa) has ஆறு தூண்கள் (aaRu thUNgal – six pillars) supporting it and these symbolize the षट् वेदाङ्ग शास्त्र (ṣaṭ vedāṅga śāstra).
Most of these esoteric secrets underlying this temple’s architectural design, has been highlighted and directly testified in different versions of the स्थल पुराण (sthala purāṇa – temple legend) and over the years, many scholars and subject matter experts have highlighted the same. For example, the revered saint ஸ்ரீ குமரகுருபரர் (sri kumaragurubarar) in the following verses from his famous work சிவகாமி அம்மை பிள்ளைத்தமிழ் (sivagaami ammai piLLaiththamizh)very categorically declares thus,

ஆறு சாத்திரம் நாலுவேதமதில் துன்
ஆகமங்கள் இருபத்தெட்டுடன்
ஐம்பெரும் பூதங்கள் பதினெண் புராணங்கள்
அறிய சிறு துன் உத்திரம்
எருக்களை அறுபத்து நாலு கைம்மாறு
நாடி எழுபத்திரெண்டாயிரம்
எழில் வாரிசுதான் ஆணி புவனம்
குலவு சிற்றோடு இருபத்தோராயிரமும்
கூறும் அறுநூறும் ஆகத் தேறு மொரு
பெருவிடு கட்டிவிளையாடும் உமை
சிறுவிடு கட்டியருளே
āṛu sāttiram nāluvEdamadil tūṇ
āgamaṅgal irupatteṭṭuḍan
aimperum būdaṅgaḻ padinen purānaṅgaḻ
ariya siṛu tūn uttiram
Eṛukalai aṛupattu nālu kaimmara
nāṭi ezhupattiṛeṇḍāyiram
ezhil varicuḍan āṇi buvanam
kulavu siṛṛOḍu irupattOrāyiramum
kūṛum aṛunūṛum āgat tEṛumoru
peruvīḍu kaṭṭiviḻaiyāḍum umai
siṛuvīḍu kaṭṭiyaruḻE
sivagāma sundari yenum periya vimalaiyE
Tamil Reference: சிவகாமி அம்மை பிள்ளைத்தமிழ் (sivagaami ammai piLLaiththamizh)

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